Even as it has收紧的结构安大略省的限制限制了COB COVID-19的传播,使建筑商更容易从事基本项目(包括关键的医疗保健建设和新的住宅项目)的类别。18luck官网


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Quebec has been hit with more than 19,319 confirmed cases, with 939 deaths, since the epidemic began.

根据省级总理道格·福特(Doug Ford)的公告,安大略省的承包商在新的医院建筑物和扩建,病毒评估中心和其他基本工作现在可以安排全天候的转变。

The province is also temporarily limiting local noise bylaws as well.

Extending hours will give contractors greater flexibility in terms of ensuring workers have the physical space they need to remain apart while also helping speed up the delivery of crucial projects.

Workers on construction sites in Ontario and in other Canadian provinces are required to stay at least 2 meters apart – or roughly 6.4 ft.


"During this escalating crisis, we are taking immediate steps to ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place, particularly to properly care for those with severe COVID-19 symptoms and other patients who require critical care," said Ford, the Ontario premier, in a press statement.

"That's why we're extending construction hours to allow us to build essential infrastructure faster, while ensuring construction workers can practice physical distancing on work sites to stay safe and healthy."

Whether any residential developers will take advantage of the new 24/7 construction rules remains to be seen. The current provincial and municipal restrictions on construction leaves the door open to projects near completion/

但是延长的时间有不高兴一些官员根据Rider Levett Bucknall上周发布的最新季度指数,在多伦多最近出现的是建筑起重机最多的北美城市。该公司指出了121架起重机,占加拿大前14名城市中心的27%,美国洛杉矶排名第二,为10%。

分析表明,大约88台起重机与住宅高层项目有关,这说明这是一个强大的多伦多市场。18luck官网但是骑手莱维特·巴克纳尔(Levett Bucknall)说:“这场大流行很可能会造成对未来起重机数量影响的衰退,”

In neighboring Quebec, provincial officials on April 20 gave the green light to contractors and developers to resume work on residential projects if they are set for completion by July 31.

The province will have 300 health inspectors patrolling work sites to enforce social distancing rules, with construction unions also planning to monitor compliance, according to the CBC.