
Wolfshut down3月21日,该州的所有非生命维持业务,包括除基本建筑项目以外的所有非生命业务,以阻止Covid-19的案件。18luck官网该州的案件似乎在4月9日左右达到了高峰。4月20日,该州报告了948例新案件,总案件总计33,232,总计1,204例死亡。该州最初定于4月30日重新开放。

[For ENR’s latest coverage of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, click here]

"Construction is a key part of Pennsylvania’s economy, and the men and women that work on construction sites across the Commonwealth are eager to get back to work," Michael V. Griffin, president of the Americas region for Philadelphia-based Hill International Inc., said in a statement emailed to ENR. Hill ranked No. 8 on the ENR 2019 Top 100 Construction Management-for-Fee Firms with nearly $660 million in revenue.


“This is not an easy decision, but it is the right course for Pennsylvania,” Wolf wrote in his veto message. “Reopening tens of thousands of businesses too early will only increase the spread of the virus...and extend the length of the economic hardships created by the pandemic. Instead, we need a measured and staggered approach to reopening the economy.”

Public and private residential and non-residential construction may resume May 8, joining ongoing projects already deemed life-sustaining by the state.


David Daquelente, executive director of the Master Builders’ Association of Western Pennsylvania, said in an email, "We recognize that Gov. Wolf’s announcement today signals an improving trend in the available data on the COVID-19 pandemic and this is a great indication of the overall health of our fellow Pennsylvanians."