
Part of the city’s绿色建筑计划计划—as well as Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh's initiative to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050—the 2020 Zero Emissions Building guide is a collaboration between Thornton Tomasetti, Bensonwood, Placetailor, Elton Hampton Architects and city planning and environmental offices.

The city's first guidebook of its kind was released by the city's Dept. of Neighborhood Development (DND) to help developers, designers, and builders looking for a zero emissions resource. Colin Schless, a vice president in Thornton Tomasetti's Boston office, said he appreciated the DND for taking the initiative "to understand if there is a recipe to do this so we can hand it over to builders and say, 'Do this and you will be in alignment with our goals.’”

Schless added, “That’s something that really stood out as progressive for Boston.”

Tailored to Boston’s climate, portfolio, density and resiliency goals, the guidelines' recommendations include subjects such as mechanical systems and wall assemblies that reduce building energy use and emissions. “It needed to be something that said ‘These are the walls, these are the kind of mechanical system that’s needed,’” Schless said.

DND邻里住房开发副主任杰西卡·鲍尔(Jessica Boatright)说,指南中最重要的事情之一是具有成本效益的信息。Boatr新利luckight说:“研究表明,现在可以实现零排放的成本效益途径,现在可以进行。”她补充说,该指南“不打算具有规定性,但它确实具有最佳实践,并确定了我们经济适用房的最直接和成本效益的途径。”

在2019年春季,DND与一支咨询团队订婚,研究DND的新建建筑负担得起住房投资组合,以了解其如何变得中立。新利luckBoatright说:“ DND将使用指南和顾问的发现来为所有由波士顿市资助的新建筑负担得起的住房项目实施零碳设计标准。”18luck官网



The city is accepting online feedback on the guidebook through June 1.

This story was updated with new material on April 23.