About 90% of construction sites are not currently active, said New York City Dept. of Buildings Commissioner Melanie LaRocca in an April 23 live-streamed Q&A, adding detail on the process to get projects certified as "essential" during the state's COVID-19-sparked shutdown. She also discussed why her inspectors repeatedly visit closed sites and how agency changes may help the industry get back up to speed after all work resumes, which now is set for May 15 but not assured.

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According to New York state Gov. Andrew Cuomo's expanded executive order in late March, essential projects allowed to proceed include roads, bridges, transit facilities, utilities, hospitals and health care facilities, affordable housing, homeless shelters, schools and emergency repairs. Projects allowed to continue work are defined by the帝国发展公司在纽约市,项目还必须获得DOB的认证18luck官网。

“If you believe you are essential and you want to reactivate your site” or if a project team needs to make emergency reports, La Rocca said, firms should go through the department’s online portal and “get your certificate from us, which you can put on your job site, so it’s clear to everybody that you’ve been deemed essential.” There’s also an appeal process if a project is denied certification.

More than 5,000 Projects Approved

A DOB spokesman confirmed on April 24 that 5,091 construction jobsites in the city were approved to continue for essential work, emergency work or work done by a single worker on a site.


在纽约大会大会赞助的问答期间,拉罗卡(La Rocca)还解释了为什么多布(Dob)检查员无论是经过认证还是关闭,都将继续访问现场。

“Just because you’re essential does not mean the department is never coming by again," she said. "We have to make sure you’re doing it correctly, and if you’re essential because of an emergency, we have to make sure you’re doing it to the scope" of the emergency.


LaRocca confirmed that some hotel projects have been deemed essential and have resumed work around the city, but she explained that they must meet certain criteria, such as being alterations of existing buildings, and having permits that were issued before April 15.

Staffing Accordingly

拉罗卡(La Rocca)没有对建立国会首席执行官卡洛·斯皮苏拉(Carlo Scissura)的询问的询问,没有发表任何确切的评论,尤其是在关闭结束后赶上行业的可能性,但她谈到了DOB如何处理“轰炸”通过检查要求和许可请求。

“我们已经开始研究整个宇宙。我们可以期望该数量的成本和人员相应。”她说。“我不希望巨大的延误 - 可能需要几天的时间,而不是两到三周才能得到最后一张纸。

La Rocca还指出,大流行期间在DOB中实施的新技术将继续进行更有效的运作。该部门正在使用电子文件,电话和电子邮件来减少面对面的互动,这一举动始于大流行。

If the May 15 shutdown end-date holds or is extended, LaRocca said it is unclear how the state will allow work on non-essential projects to resume. “Whether the governor is going to say, ‘everybody—tomorrow, go back to work,’ or phase in the approach, your best guess is my best guess,” she said.