Raymond P. Kenny, 69, senior vice president and general manager of rail operations for New Jersey Transit, who also had been senior vice president and acting president of Long Island Rail Road in a long career at the suburban New York City commuter line, died on April 18 of complications of COVID-19, NJ Transit confirmed. He was 69.

Kenny managed parts of LIRR's Superstorm Sandy recovery after it struck the northeast in 2012, and was involved in the long-running East Side Access project that is set to link the rail line to Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan.


在2014年从LIRR退休后,他加入了设计公司Parsons Brickerhoff,担任高级运输和铁路顾问。该公司后来被WSP Global Inc.收购。

Kenny “was the ultimate professional whose career focused on making the LIRR operation the best it could be,” says Michael Horodniceanu, former president of New York City Metropolitan Transportation Agency (MTA) Capital Construction, and now director of the IDC Innovation Hub at New York University Tandon School of Engineering.

肯尼(Kenny)在2019年初被选中加入NJ Transit,这是人们在12月31日举行的联邦截止日期以安装积极火车控制技术的努力。NJ Transit是美国最大的全州公共交通系统和美国第三大铁路系统。

在他的帐篷下,尽管软件问题,该线路都达到了大多数里程碑,说一个nj.com代表ort last November.

“The leadership and incredible wealth of railroad knowledge Ray brought with him has truly made a positive impact on our organization,” said Kevin Corbett, NJ Transit CEO.


Corbett是前AECOM副总裁,在2018年被任命为NJ Transit角色。