西南部的许多地区都逃脱了冠状病毒大流行的广泛的政府批准的关闭,但是几个关键的区域项目已停止,而其他人的计划开始在全国范围内受到危害。18luck官网根据Dodge Data&Analytics的一份报告,从2月到3月,全国范围内的总建筑总数下降了5%。但是这种适度的下降可能有些误导。

Dodge Data&Analytics的首席经济学家Richard Branch说:“大多数全家订单和建筑暂停都直到本月的最后一周和四月才建立。”“因此,四月的建设开始可能是一个截然不同的故事。四月的开始数据将是危机将如何影响建筑业的第一个真正的迹象。”



地区领导人在分歧方面对如何以及何时重新开放该州的赌场,酒店和娱乐场所。拉斯维加斯市长卡罗琳·古德曼(Carolyn Goodman)在4月23日表示,她支持重新开放这座城市的准则,而州长史蒂夫·西索拉克(Steve Sisolak)(D)和其他人则赞成更加谨慎的限制方法。内华达州官员报告了4,000多例COVID-19和187例截至4月23日死亡。

在拉斯维加斯的新NFL体育场和该地区的所有主要建筑项目上,建设仍在继续进行。18luck官网一个月前,麦迪逊广场花园公司(Madison Square Garden Co.)停止了17亿美元的味精领域的工作,该领域旨在成为世界上最大的球形建筑。在拉斯维加斯大道以东建造的17,500个座位的竞技场是与拉斯维加斯沙滩的合作伙伴关系。它在18个月前破土动工,大约一半完成。18luck官网与MSG Sphere一起完成的项目是在竞技场的新拉斯维加斯单轨铁路站,还有一座1000英尺英尺的行人桥通往威尼斯人度假胜地。当工作停止在球体上时,这些项目尚未开始。18luck官网在3月31日的公告中,麦迪逊广场花园公司(Madison Square Garden Co.)引用了供应链中断,但没有提供有关该项目何时恢复的指导。


– Richard Branch, Chief Economist, Dodge Data & Analytics

Work also is stopped on the Drew, a resort project on the north Strip that topped out in 2008, when it was known as the Fontainebleau, then shut down shortly after as the Great Recession took hold. The property sat idle until last year, when work resumed under the ownership of New York real estate developer Steve Witkoff, who purchased the property and renamed it in 2017. Work resumed in 2019, and Witkoff announced in January 2020 that the Drew had secured a construction loan that would allow it to finish by late 2022.

Meanwhile, construction continues on the $2-billion Allegiant Stadium, where the NFL’s Las Vegas Raiders are scheduled to begin play this fall, despite two workers at the site having tested positive for COVID-19 in early April as well as an administrator with a trade partner who visited the site on April 7. However, the administrator was not symptomatic at the time, and contracting officials say the areas he visited have been thoroughly sanitized.


“到目前为止,我还没有听说过时间表的延误,”木匠官员弗兰克·霍克(Frank Hawk)说,他负责内华达州的联盟。开发人员说,该体育场仍定于7月下旬或8月初完成。

Work also continues on the $980-million expansion of the West Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center and the companion $53-million drilling of underground transportation tunnels underway by Elon Musk’s Boring Co. Both projects were spared $79 million in budget cuts imposed by the convention authority responsible for the work. However, the planned renovation of four other exhibition halls, slated to cost nearly $540 million, will likely be delayed at least two years, convention authority officials said.


On April 16, the 777-room Circa hotel-casino project in downtown Las Vegas, which is about halfway done, reported its first case of a worker testing positive for COVID-19. Contractor McCarthy Building Cos. issued a statement that the area in which the worker was stationed had been shut down and sanitized and the worker is in isolation and won’t return to the jobsite until cleared by health care workers. The website for The D hotel-casino, also a property owned by developer Derek Stevens, says Circa will open in December.


- 拉斯维加斯的道格·帕皮尔(Doug Puppel)


在亚利桑那州,报告的COVID-19案件的数量达到5,251,截至4月23日,死亡人数为208例,州长道格·杜西(Doug Ducey)(R)认为建筑已被认为是必不可少的服务,并且在那里的大多数主要项目中仍在继续进行工作18luck官网为亚利桑那州运输部。

“国家交通系统对t至关重要he delivery of people, products and services across Arizona,” said ADOT spokesman Tom Herrmann, via email.

However, some sectors have been hit harder than others. The postponement of elective surgeries means that health care facilities have had to manage their cash flow more carefully. “The industry is getting crushed,” says Jim Swanson, president and CEO of Kitchell. “Many higher education and public-sector projects are ongoing, especially in California, whereas in Arizona, some of these are on hold.”

全州的大多数承包商都报告了强劲的积压。亚利桑那州立大学Del E. Webb建筑学院的计划主席Anthony J. Lamanna说:“大承包商的积压为12到14至16个月,因此工作仍然不错。”“但是我们预计在12个月左右的时间内有一个甜甜圈洞。私人所有者没有开始新项目,对于公共项目,现在没有很多RFP。”18luck官网


- ASU的Del E. Webb建筑学院计划主席Anthony J. Lamanna



及时交付材料还需要比过去更多的战略计划。GCON Inc.总裁Mike Godbehere说:“大流行将我们的重点从传统的长长材料和设备计划转变为任何不是国内采购的材料或设备。它是该特定州基本服务的一部分吗?”

In addition to concerns about supply chains, regional contractors have been forced to enhance safety practices on their jobsites, even though they had strong safety protocols in place before the pandemic hit.

亚利桑那州建筑商联盟总裁汤姆·邓恩(Tom Dunn)说:“亚利桑那商业建筑业的重中之重一直是工人安全。”“扩大可能的安全问题,以保护工作室的工人免受COVID-19的暴露和传播,这只是对CDC建议的安全协议的扩展。”


但是,一些公司添加了新流程。哈迪森/唐尼总裁贾斯汀·纽曼(Justin Newman)说:“在我们的工作岗位上,我们引入了一项新的协议,以采访每个分包商的工作。”“这是一项短暂的健康检查,以确保没有发烧或其他19个相关症状。”

Some big questions remain: How long will the pandemic go on and what will the industry look like after it subsides? “I think automation and robotics are where we’re headed, such as drones for surveying,” Lamanna says. “I also think we have to look back at what happened after the last recession. A lot of mid-career people left and never came back.”


- 凤凰城的大卫·布朗(David Brown)



州长Michelle Lujan Grisham(D)于3月11日从该州的预算中削减了价值近1.1亿美元的公共工程项目。此举遵循了较早的一项单独的5000万美元交通18luck官网支出措施的否决权。格里舍姆还从未来财政年度的预算中删除了大约530个项目。18luck官网削减包括改进学校和社会服务设施,部落建筑维修,道路翻新和街道标志。

But during the pandemic, construction in New Mexico also has been considered an essential service, especially highway and bridge work. “There have been some delays with a few construction projects due to supply chain delays specifically related to COVID-19,” says Marisa Maez, communications director at the New Mexico Dept. of Transportation. “But we are not postponing any projects. We plan to move forward with those that are shovel ready and slated to begin soon. We are doing inspections via video.”


- 新墨西哥州ASA执行董事Gia Espinoza

Firms are taking great care with jobsite protocols. “Processes our members are implementing are staggered schedules, split shifts, working remotely, employers monitoring employees for symptoms and exposures, layoffs and jobsite closures,” says Gia Espinoza, executive director, ASA of New Mexico, in Albuquerque. “In some instances, New Mexico subcontractors are choosing to close their businesses completely for their own protection.”

其他公司正在发现完成项目的意外障碍。18luck官网Albuquerque的Sealant专家公司总裁Denise Mello说:“我们面临的挑战是在我们的工作人员不得不出国去上班时为机组人员找到支持服务。例如,我们正处于距离阿尔伯克基(Albuquerque)约200英里的医院的完成阶段,我们发现很难为我们的船员住宿,因为酒店和汽车旅馆的容量仅限于25%。”

该州的一些领导人担心建筑就业的下降。新墨西哥州AGC首席执行官Kelly Roepke-Orpke-Orn说:“新墨西哥州的就业百分比收益最大,从2019年2月到2020年2月。”“总是担心项目取消和需求下降将导致大规模失业。”

- 大卫·布朗(David Brown)