
不过,对于麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)来说,这是今年的年度最佳东南设计公司,证据表明,该公司通过成功建立和维持与客户和众多社区的长期关系,建立了其业务及其声誉。

Chad Cousins—who was promoted to CEO from COO last October—says the firm’s long-standing attribute of focusing on relationships, rather than transactions, has been a point of subtle but renewed emphasis in recent years.

这家堂兄(表亲都将其描述为“低自我”)历史上是由“整个公司在社区中心和建立关系中的强烈热情,以及将问题解决的能力,市场专业知识,设计创造力和企业家思考带给这些机会的驱动的。,“ 他说。

持久关系之一是与总部位于格林维尔的总承包商Harper Corp.,最近在2018年东南收入中以2.29亿美元的价格在东南排名第50位。公司总裁戴维·哈珀(David Harper)表示,在数十年中,承包商与麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)合作,共同完成了“数百个项目”的项目。18luck官网


In those situations, “I’ve always found them to be very fair and reasonable and willing to work together for the best outcome,” he says, adding that the architectural firm brings “an open-mindedness and a results-based problem-solving mentality to projects.”

Another fan of the firm is Nancy Whitworth, the former director of economic development for the city of Greenville. Now retired, Whitworth lauded McMillan Pazdan Smith’s involvement with city planning initiatives and noted the firm’s flexibility.



该公司在南卡罗来纳州北卡罗来纳州,在格林维尔和斯巴达堡设有办事处 - 以其所谓的“低ego”,以关系为中心的方式,平均少数几年中低年级的年收入百分比增加了。致公司。此外,该公司的员工从2012年的大约100名员工增长到目前的总数约为260,并且由于公司有能力从政府那里获得冠状病毒资金,因此保持稳定。

In addition to Greenville, McMillan Pazdan Smith maintains offices in Atlanta, Charlotte, Asheville, N.C., Spartanburg, S.C., and Charleston, S.C.. Over the past five years, the firm has achieved a 34% increase in net revenue, a fact the company says “is driven almost exclusively by organic growth objectives and execution.”

这一趋势的例外发生在2019年,当时麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)收购了Cort Architecture,这是一家活跃于夏洛特(Charlotte)和阿什维尔(Asheville)K-12市场的公司。

Roughly five years ago, the firm’s leadership began re-emphasizing the importance of McMillan Pazdan Smith’s existing strengths—mainly its personal engagement with clients, communities and, importantly, each other.

“We’ve just tried to amplify that from our DNA and reflect it,” says Cousins. “We constantly emphasize that we’re not transactional, that we’re building relationships and we have to think about the context of those relationships in the overall community.”

麦克米伦·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)also has initiated several internal leadership development programs in recent years. The effort began in 2012 with Leadership MPS, a program aimed at developing future leaders.

More recently, in 2017, the firm launched its 18-month Leadership Development Program for emerging future principals that addresses culture, leadership innovation and design.

该公司积极寻求不仅培养熟练的领导者,而且要培养一个有才华和多样化的员工。例如,在描述麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)通过其顶级设计公司调查与ENR与Ens Enseast共享的显着成就的描述中,该公新利luck司理所当然地吹嘘妇女约占员工的大约45%各个角色的才华。”

为了实现这一目标,麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)最近聘请了一位在多样性和包容性方面经历的人力资源副总裁,以确保每个人都“拥有归属感并成为公司的一部分”,库辛斯说。“我们继续从性别平等的基础上做到这两个,也从多样性的各个方面做到这一点。


With the firm’s goal of community engagement foremost in mind, McMillan Pazdan Smith launched IdeaXchange, which it describes as a “platform for action created to impact our communities in a positive way.”

In April 2019, the firm used IdeaXchange to gather together a group of Greenville civic and business leaders, developers, housing representatives, architects and engineers to discuss the city’s affordable and workforce housing needs. The South Carolina chapter of the Urban Land Institute was among the event’s co-sponsors.

In a video documenting the event, the discussion’s lead facilitator, Lisa Lanni, a firm principal and director of MPS’ community studio, described it this way: “What this means to us is coming together with the people who we work with every day, the leaders in our community, the thinkers and the doers.”

通过活动,麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)和对话的其他参与者制定了一系列建议,行动项目和“下一步”的清单,并发布了一份16页的报告,涉及格林维尔(Greenville)劳动力住房问题的“地方挑战和解决方案”。

执行校长乔·帕兹丹(Joe Pazdan)认为,Ideaxchange代表了公司对支持当地社区的奉献精神的延伸以及在特定领域内的知识和专业知识的发展。

Pazdan说:“我相信,由于对我们服务的社区的深刻承诺,我们与Urban Land Institute的经济适用房峰会合作的Ideaxhange的成功得到了支持。”“我们的员工努力通过周到的设计和社区参与来发挥持久的影响,而无需牺牲任何目标。”




Today, however, across the industry, designers and contractors are challenged to envision how the pandemic may reshape the economy as well as society as a whole.


Speaking of the broader design community in general, he adds: “The ability to bring ideas together, to bring communities of people together around purpose and vision and help it take shape into something better on the other end of the process is what we excel at.”

时间将说明麦克米兰·帕兹丹·史密斯(McMillan Pazdan Smith)和其他公司如何应对当前的挑战。但是,局外人证明的属性以及公司拥护者应该给予的原则以及其他志趣相投的公司,这是成功的机会。