IFS内容提供了徽标不乏分析关于目前的全球大流行如何改变世界各地的工作场所的建筑安全方案。对建筑的经济影响也是不平凡的。在冠状病毒和沙特 - 俄罗斯石油泄漏之间,影响了石油和天然气基础设施以及勘探和生产项目,18luck官网Fails Management Institute (FMI) suggests我们不会知道对construction industry直到2020年第三季度。他们建议像飓风的预测一样,建筑高管依靠“不确定性锥”来代表我们认为处于预测中的风险,包括经济下降的不同水平和恢复速度。


As we enter a post-pandemic era of construction, project teams designing and constructing the built environment will need to not just work differently but build differently and help project owners mitigate the risk of periodic disruptions from fire, flooding and yes, global pandemics.

Identifying and Monetizing Risk

Disruptive events will happen from time to time. This is not controversial or subject to much debate. What contractors and engineering companies need to determine though is how they can design, build and maintain assets around these risks. Will a five percent increase in construction cost make a structure more resistant to wildfires like those that recently devastated Australia and California? If so, how does that pay for itself over the life of the asset in terms of replacement and repair cost or insurance premiums?

Will rising waters caused by global warming put the project and asset at risk of flooding during its lifecycle? Government bodies including the美国陆军工程兵团and theUK Parliamenthave been issuing risk management guidance regarding global warming for years. This makes sense because critical infrastructure in every country in the world will be affected, with some regions like the Mediterranean and像克罗地亚这样的国家特别脆弱。


Making Strategic Recommendations


这current COVID-19 pandemic will have far-reaching implications for construction, well beyond the work safety measures many are currently focusing on. Contractors should help project owners evaluate the desirability of things like the ASHRAE空降和传染病的位置文件。It may prove cost-effective for many institutional environments to adopt some of the tactics used in a hospital environment, including:

  • Supplying clean air to susceptible occupants
  • Containing contaminated air and/or exhausting it to the outdoors
  • Diluting the air in a space with cleaner air from outdoors and/or by filtering the air
  • Cleaning the air within the room

或其他建筑技术,例如ultraviolet air and surface treatment, more desirable for a given project? Contractors must be able to consult intelligently with their customers based on risks that are identified, monetized and amortized over the useful lifecycle of the asset they are building.



这些合同中的一些可以得到最好的支持field service managementapproach, for instance, when a contractor is simply dispatching technicians for service calls or for break-fix repair.现场服务管理软件can facilitate many types of aftermarket contracts, including those that includeservice level agreements、项目的维修和替换部件和the use of subcontractors to perform aftermarket service work in the field.

对于涉及承担一定程度运营资产风险的合同,建筑行业组织将需要一些enterprise asset management softwarecapabilities to help them identify and mitigate that risk along with the maintenance and operations software tools then enable them to profitably run an asset-intensive business. These advanced practitioners will need to engage in collaborative asset lifecycle management process with their project owner as they will share responsibility for the design, operate and maintain phases of the asset.



承包商可能已经迅速采用了一种破坏性的技术,这些技术已经避开了许多技术 - 真正支持移动劳动力的企业系统。许多承包商,在较小程度上,工程师正在运行使远程工作和协作具有挑战性的系统拼凑而成。现代企业软件在supports mobile devices in various formats and makes the entirety of the business accessible anywhere.

但是恢复的获胜者将是承包商。那些利用他们现在拥有任何超额能力来重新发明其围绕技术服务的运营的人。这internet of things (IoT) sensorsin a finished project can drive data and maintenance offerings over the asset lifecycle.Artificial intelligence (AI)will automate many construction business processes. They will offer customers digital twins of their assets and use those digital twins to support a collaborative asset lifecycle management (CALM) approach that drives long tail revenue.

Revenue That Lasts

许多承包商已经建立了维护和设施管理能力,现在,随着项目所有者寻求在不确定的未来中导航的方法,并且承包商寻求长时间的收入,是时候让更多承包商朝这个方向发展。了解更多信息,并了解您的业务如何与行业中的其他人堆叠在一起study on aftermarket service maturity among trade contractors