skanska and a condominium developer in Seattle are trying to settle a multifaceted dispute over costs and payments that has simmered for a year and boiled over into a lien filed Jan. 31 by the contractor for $34 million, or about 20% of the contract value. The developer contested most of the lien in state court in Washington and is now negotiating a settlement.

Court documents show that the two sides agreed to mediation in early March and, according to a joint statement from Skanska and Burrard Properties, the Vancouver-based developer, the two companies are “continuing to work toward resolving the dispute.”

冲突涉及到一个高- 41层高的公寓rise called联系。Most of its 389 apartments, whose sale prices range from $400,000 to $2 million, are already under contract and many are occupied. At no point has the quality of the work been affected by the dispute, the two companies said.


In January, the city awarded the building a temporary certificate of occupancy, with “some items left to be completed,” according to the joint statement. Work recently re-began following Gov. Jay Inslee’s (D) announcement permitting construction to continue in Washington State with new safety protocols.



The tangle of issues during the course of the project included “water events”—floods that Skanska claims it did not cause but that added significantly to its costs. Water damage is often covered by builders’ risk insurance policies.


state Lawsuit Continues

But that litigation, filed in U.S. federal court in Seattle, was terminated and apparently now is superseded by the cost and contract claims in state court.

2017年3月,伯拉德(Burrard)作为一个名为1200 Howell Street LLC的实体运营,聘请了Skanska担任住宅塔,地面零售空间和停车摊位的总承包商。原始保证的最高价格为1.53亿美元。

The Puget Sound Business Journal首先报道了留置权申请由Skanska和随后的法律文件由LevelSet收集,这是一家最近创建的支付服务软件公司公共付款评级部分on its website.

In its claim against Burrard, Skanska reports that the developer was seeking $4 million in liquidated damaged from Skanska for late completion.

Skanska’s lien is excessive, the developer argues in reply to Skanska’s state court lawsuit, and the contractor is due only the GMP amount in the original contract. Burrard says that a portion of what Skanska says it is owed is money the contractor has not yet billed for. Additionally, Burrard says $6.5 million is legally withheld retainage and that the $11 million Skanska seeks for its own costs is not fully or adequately explained. Further, the developer claims Skanska is disputing some costs claimed by its subcontractors.

“The parties are working diligently to close out all outstanding items in a timely manner,” the joint statement said. Closings of purchased units continue and, the two companies said, “the parties look forward to a fully occupied building soon.”

Skanska和Burrard得出结论:“争端和留置权提出,并不反反映工作质量”和“ Skanska和Burrard都为导致这座令人难以置信的建筑物的工作感到非常自豪。”

This story was updated May 5 to reflect that Skanska and Burrard Properties issued a joint statement about their cost and contract dispute related to the Nexus condominium project. An initial version of the story attributed the statement only to Burrard Properties.