

Committee Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said in his opening statement the two water bills, along with a $287-billion, five-year highway measure the panel approved last July “will be critical to our economic recovery after the immediate pandemic response is behind us.”

The committee’s top Democrat, Tom Carper of Delaware, said drinking water and wastewater systems as well as shipping channels and flood protection infrastructure “are essential to our economy and to our way of life, but they remain in desperate need of improvement and investments.”

立法的下一步将是地板行动。但是,法律和游说公司琼斯·沃克(Jones Walker LLP)的特别顾问约翰·道尔(John Doyle)说:“从这里移动的方式取决于任何数量的变量。”


小组清除的法案之一是美国2020年的《美国水基础设施法》(AWIA)。它授权为EPA的清洁水州循环资金(SRFS)提供49亿美元的25兵团项目和75亿18luck官网美元的$ 75亿美元,这有助于资助废水处理设施。


The committee-approved AWIA authorizes 25 Corps projects, up from 20 in a draft version that Barrasso and Carper unveiled April 21. In all, the committee bill authorizes $4.9 billion in federal funds for those projects, a $663.5-million increase from the draft.

The price tag could grow further if the Chief of Engineers, Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, signs more "chief's reports" recommending additional Corps projects.

The total cost of the 25 projects in the bill is $7.9 billion, counting the nonfederal funding shares.

If the legislation is signed into law this year, it would continue a recent string of water resources legislation enacted every two years. The last such bill, the 2018 AWIA, authorized $3.7 billion for 12 Corps' projects and $4.4 billion for drinking water infrastructure. It didn't include wastewater treatment funding.

The other bill the committee approved is the Drinking Water Infrastructure Act of 2020, which would provide $2.5 billion for EPA programs in that area, including the Drinking Water SRF.

All of the funds in the two 2020 bills would be subject to annual congressional appropriations.