


With tremendous damage already, this is going to be long and tough. But we must start now and generate both quick and lasting results.





不t Red or Blue—Bright Green

CG/LA基础设施Inc研究has identified nearly 500 infrastructure projects that are ready to go as strategic building blocks for economic revival. These have already been plotted on a GIS map that highlights direct and indirect job creation. Projects are in every state and in every infrastructure sector—from transportation to water delivery to energy generation to power transmission.

Getting projects up and running would drive a return to growth, creating needed jobs by Dec. 31. These are not red or blue state jobs, but ones in each of our 435 congressional districts that would light up the country in bright green—the color of money flowing back into municipal budgets, business bottom lines and worker paychecks.


下一个问题是获得关键的投资。尽管最近对基础设施刺激进行对冲,但没有比现在更好的时间了。唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统和众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)在一项多年的努力中吹嘘了2万亿美元,在2025年之前,我们的基础设施投资有效地翻了一番,这是我们需要开始的大爆炸。

Let’s anticipate that this initial federal investment can generate the necessary capital from other public and private sources. U.S. government guarantees would help, something the European Union already is doing. In a recent survey conducted by CG/LA Infrastructure, 94% of industry respondents wanted to see increased private investment in infrastructure.



CEOs of design, construction, technology, finance and services firms, who are infrastructure experts, must lead. They must publicly advocate for a financial stimulus that is strong enough to get the job done, develop the plan and lead execution of an unprecedented project mobilization, and insure its delivery. This will result in greater productivity, less congestion, reduced pollution and rebuilt financial security for U.S. citizens.



As Chris Lowney, a Jesuit seminarian turned investment banker and a personal friend, says in his still widely read 2003 book,Heroic Leadership,我们都是为了“英雄”目的而生活的领导者。

诺曼·安德森(Norman F. Anderson)is chairman & CEO of consultant and research firm CG/LA Infrastructure Inc., Washington, D.C., and executive director of theBlueprint 2025Initiative. He can be reached atNanderson@cg-la.com或202-640-0788