
“Over the next two years, our government will invest CA$7.5 billion in schools, hospitals, highways, Crown utility projects, municipal infrastructure and other important capital projects designed to build a strong Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan Premier Scot Moe said in a statement. “This is a CA$2-billion economic booster-shot over and above the CA$5.5 billion our government had already planned to invest in capital projects over the next two years and will be an important step in our province’s economic recovery.”


The capital injection includes new capital funding of more than CA$200 million for highways projects, $100 million for health infrastructure and $96 million for education infrastructure. About $106 million in a per capita payment through a new Municipal Economic Enhancement Program will support infrastructure projects in communities across the province.


萨斯喀彻温省农村市政当局主席雷·奥尔布(Ray Orb)表示,在包括农村地区在内的全省蔓延,将有助于整个省经济恢复。


萨斯喀彻温省建筑协会主席马克·库珀(Mark Cooper)表示,这一消息“对萨斯喀彻温省的建筑业绝对是一个绝妙的消息”,并说政府加紧了。他在一份声明中说:“他们听到了行业在告诉他们什么,他们做出了回应。”“尽管许多建筑公司在Covid-19期间继续进行项目,但这种刺激套餐将无可否认地为我们的行业和该省的18luck官网经济带来了令人难以置信的提升。”
