James Goettsch, co-CEO and chairman of Goettsch Partners, has been delivering innovative design solutions for close to five decades now, going back to when he was running C.F. Murphy’s New York office in the 1980s. Goettsch’s boutique Chicago architecture firm moved from 105th on last year’s Midwest Top Design Firms ranking with $8.61 million in regional revenue to 94th this year, nearly doubling its revenue to $14.4 million. A hallmark of the firm’s approach is leveraging a client’s needs with engineering and construction solutions that form the basis for the architectural solution.

“The Chicago School of Architecture, whether it was the first or second school, has always influenced my approach to architecture,” says Goettsch. “There was something different going on in Chicago in the 1890s compared to New York. The design issues in New York seemed to be stylistic. In Chicago, the emphasis was to be more pragmatic, resulting in the evolution of deep foundations, structural frames, large windows and other technological advances that were incorporated into buildings in a way that enhanced the function. Later at midcentury with the emergence of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, he sought to elevate the art of construction, putting buildings together in an artful way that was utilitarian and with very sophisticated aesthetics.”

Blue Cross Blue Shield Tower

Goettsch解决的一个问题是在1994年,当时蓝十字和伊利诺伊州Blue Shield的母公司卫生保健服务公司在25年的时间内搬进了五次,并继续增长。当时,他们需要140万平方英尺的办公空间,他们预计,在10年内,他们将总共需要220万平方英尺的蓝十字蓝盾(Blue Cross Blue Shield),他们有信心他们将扩大。但是,当时,芝加哥在中央商务区拥有2000万平方英尺的空办公空间,因此他们无法证明建造220万平方英尺的建筑是合理的。

Goettsch, working on one of his first projects as a partner at Lohan Associates at that time, proposed the idea of a building that could be expanded vertically by making a modest investment in foundations that would ultimately support the 2.2-million-sq-ft requirement, with the idea that the building could be built in two phases. Phase 1 would be constructed, and when additional space was required, the second phase could begin in a way that was similar to high-rises he had worked on in Houston, where the lower floors could be occupied before construction was completed on the upper floors.

“Sculpture is something you look at. The function of architecture is to be lived in and interacted with.”

- James Goettsch,联合首席执行官兼董事长Goettsch Partners

垂直扩展的想法为HCSC提供了几乎将其塔的大小两倍的能力,如果劳动力在增长。雷·麦卡斯基(Ray McCaskey)当时是HCSC的首席执行官,而Goettsch和结构团队解释说,以后在塔顶上添加地板并不是一件很难的事情。替代方法是购买一个附近的站点,并在第一座旁边建造第二座塔。通过单塔扩展显然是一个更有效的,最终更经济的解决方案。

Blue Cross Blue Shield在Randolph Street和Columbus Drive的遗址上进行了零,俯瞰格兰特公园。建造第1阶段所需的土地的成本为2000万美元。BlueCross Blue Shield能够购买地面面积比以垂直扩大建筑物的额外450万美元。如果他们要采用两售货计划,他们将不得不购买相邻的地点,而土地成本将是另外1700万美元。



E. Randolph的24层第二阶段于2010年完成。当时,由Dirk Lohan的祖父Mies创立的Lohan Associates首先变成了Lohan Caprile Goettsch,并最终于2005年成为Goettsch Partners。当第二阶段完成时,E。Randolph St. 300 E. Randolph St.从其第一阶段的高度上升到744英尺。


Goettsch Partners凭借其技术专长,养成了使用客户的需求和野心,有问题的网站和技术创新,以将其他建筑师认为无法克服的挑战转变为大胆的设计解决方案。

“One thing about Jim is his ability to take a fundamental limitation associated with the project, maybe it’s a key problem, if you will, and turn it into an opportunity,” says Anthony Scacco, principal and executive vice president at Riverside Investment and Development, the developer for which Goettsch delivered designs for 150 N. Riverside and 110 N. Wacker.

“111 S. Wacker Dr. is a building that he designed that was completed in 2005 that’s a perfect example of that. It was originally designed as a core-supported building very similar to the concept for 150 N. Riverside, where you’ve got a very constrained site,” Scacco says. “How do you elevate the building up so that you’re getting views starting out at the first tenant floor where you’ve got constraints surrounding you?”

Developed for the John Buck Co., and delivered by Scacco's then-employer, contractor Lend Lease, 111. S. Wacker used a glass curtain wall to expose V-shaped column transfers near the building’s base and open up the building’s lobby. Glass curtain wall extends the full height of the 53-story tower, showing all of its key structural members. Goettsch says that before anchor tenant Deloitte signed on for 111 S. Wacker, executives were asked what their needs were, and they said they wanted a design “like UBS Tower.” Also known as One North Wacker, Goettsch Partners’ immediate previous project was delivered for the Buck Co. in 2001. The innovation on One North Wacker was the first use of cable-supported glass walls in the U.S.



Goettsch本人并没有在78岁时放慢脚步,该公司在上海和阿布扎比设有办事处。它的国际收入几乎等于其国内工作,为15,270,000美元。2018年,该公司的总裁詹姆斯·郑(James Zheng)是一名25年的老将,创立了Goettsch Partners的上海办公室,被提升为联合首席执行官。同年,保罗·德·桑蒂斯(Paul de Santis)也被任命为设计伙伴。技术合作伙伴乔·多利纳尔(Joe Dolinar)和九名副校长组成了现在指导公司的联合领导团队的其余部分。


在过去的两年中,Goettsch Partners将其国内市场分支为旧金山,纳什维尔和丹佛。自世纪之交以来,它的国际工作一直在发展,其中包括阿布扎比全球市场广场,以及最近在中国广州的Poly 335金融中心的设计设计。

Alcove是为开发人员Giarratana LLC设计的项目,是Goettsch Partners最近的住宅项目之一。18luck官网34层,高416英尺的塔楼位于17英亩的亚马逊锚定纳什维尔码的开发项目中,有356个住宅单元。这座375,800平方英尺的建筑设计为一系列堆叠的,移动的立方体,成对成对,分别在四个层面上组织。该设计打开了建筑物的内部部分,以供您欣赏。Goettsch Partners还设计了住宅单元的内部布局。



“对高建筑物有一定的严重性,很难轻浮,因为成本是一个因素。开发人员总是为租户竞争;他们仍然必须找到一种支付租金的方法。” Goettsch说。“大租户对建筑物的租赁价格和效率更为敏感,但与此同时,他们希望位于建筑物的主要地点,具有强大的建筑表达和最先进的系统。这就是将建筑与雕塑区分开的原因。雕塑是您看的东西。建筑的功能将与之相互作用。”