The Manhattan District Attorney’s office in New York City has dropped charges against Henry Chlupsa, former president of city-based D&B Engineers & Architects, Woodbury, N.Y., stemming from a broad construction fraud criminal case自2018年以来正在进行。

在5月4日court filing,D.A.办公室承认,这是对Chlupsa(77岁)的不当证据。它还撤消了他对五项较小的贿赂和腐败指控的定罪,他被判处五年缓刑,并罚款15,000美元。后一个步骤受到州法院的批准。

Assistant District Attorney Kenneth Moore Jr. cited new COVID-19 constraints on convening grand juries and other court proceedings as a reason for the dismissal.

Chlupsa, now retired, was among several industry executives and a city official indicted in an alleged decade-long bribery scheme to win contracts.

州最高法院法官in February驳回了对前黑人和瓦茨副总统凯里亚西斯·皮埃德斯(Kyriacos Pierides)的贿赂指控,并引用了不当证据。

D&B Engineers & Architects ranks at No. 365 on ENR's list of the Top 500 Design firms, reporting about $42 million in 2019 revenue.