
Not only did the firm celebrate its centennial year, but it experienced 25% year-over-year growth across Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas, pushing its regional revenue up to $123.2 million. This also lifted the firm’s ranking on ENR Texas & Louisiana’s Top Design Firms list up two spots from last year to No. 22.

“Our centennial year was also a time of organic growth for Garver. We currently have more than 700 full-time employees company-wide and hired more than 140 people in the region last year,” says Brock Hoskins, president and CEO.

为了处理该公司于2019年完成的近1,800个项目,加18luck官网弗(Garver)全年在密西西比州橄榄分公司,新奥尔良,俄克拉荷马州,俄克拉荷马州和学院站和德克萨斯州的埃尔帕索(El Paso)开设了新办事处。霍斯金斯补充说:“在2020年,阿肯色州罗杰斯(Rogers)和密西西比州湾波特(Gulfport)的办公室开放一直持续。”

Projects Aplenty

2019 contracts included a $72-million job for the Texas Dept. of Transportation (TxDOT) to provide plans and specifications for frontage roads from West of Cockrell Hill Road to Hampton Road on Interstate 20 in Dallas County and a $70-million taxiway rehabilitation effort at George Bush International Airport in Houston, construction of which will end in 2023.

“在德克萨斯州,我们制定了770亿美元的10年统一运输计划。基本上,这是我们未来10年的工作计划。” TXDOT副执行董事Marc Williams解释说。“我们严重依靠工程社区的公司来帮助我们完成项目开发工作,环境工作,建设和所需的检查,以平均每年70亿至80亿美元。”


“I believe they’re doing work in about 12 of our 25 districts right now,” he says. “They’ve been an important partner whose service area has grown pretty significantly in the state of Texas.”

“A lot of engineering firms can design new bridges—we can too— but we also know how to design complex repairs to wood, steel and concrete bridges.”

– Jerry Holder, Director of Transportation, Garver

目前,Garver正在进行I-35 NEX示意图和环境研究,以在圣安东尼奥地区进行重大扩大和康复项目。新利luck

“They’re also doing what we call the ports to planes interstate feasibility study, which is a planning study to potentially extend I-27 where it terminates in Lubbock down all the way to the Texas-Mexico border,” Williams says. “Then they’ve got several other important widening and reconstruction projects on interstates and major highways around the state.”

加弗(Garver)交通总监杰里·霍尔德(Jerry Holder)解释说,在过去的20年中,加弗(Garver)开发了一支由桥梁维修专家组成的团队。

“A lot of engineering firms can design new bridges—we can too—but we also know how to design complex repairs to wood, steel and concrete bridges,” he says. “Our clients have tight budgets and can’t afford to tear down a bridge and replace it with a new one every time. We have helped them extend the life of their bridges by inspecting the bridges and designing repairs to add another 10 years to the service life.”

Garver最近帮助达拉斯-沃斯堡International Airport repair several problem bridges leading into the terminals.

One of Garver’s largest recent projects is the Lake Thunderbird Water Reuse – Field Research Project for Inland Indirect Potable Reuse in Norman, Okla. This pilot study, one of four water reclamation and reuse studies backed by a U.S. Bureau of Reclamation grant, is expected to be complete in 2022.

在俄克拉荷马州恩尼德(Enid),Garver是Kaw Reservoir替代供水计划的计划经理,首席设计师和现场代表。预计这一3.15亿美元的计划的建设将于2021年开始。

该公司正在为塔尔萨(Tulsa)的一部分Gilcrease高速公路收费公路(Gilcrease Expressway Turnpike)提供设计服务,其中包括一段收费公路,该部分将塔尔萨西南部I-44连接到西塔尔萨(Tulsa)的美国412。它需要在阿肯色河和贝里希尔溪(Berryhill Creek)上进行新的四分之一英里的桥梁。

In Mississippi, Garver is working on the County Road 221 Bridge over the Skuna River for the Yalobusha County Board of Supervisors, the design for which should be ready in 2021.

加弗also has a five-year engineering services contact with the Monroe Regional Airport (MLU) in Monroe, La.

“We had a runway extension project that we were getting ready to start,” recalls Ron Phillips, MLU airport director. Garver is lead engineering firm on that $13-million, two-phase project. It will allow commercial service operations to use both runways. Previously, if the primary runway was closed for maintenance, the airport had to cancel flights.


Phase 1 of the Runway 14-32 project was completed in 2019, and Phase 2 will be complete in 2021. Garver is also serving as engineer on taxiway delta construction, drainage improvements and an airport master drainage study for MLU.


加弗celebrated its centennial year by giving back to the communities it serves and hoping to inspire the next generation of engineers.

全年,加弗(Garver)在其多田间足迹的100所学校捐赠了链反应的茎套件和资金,其工程师与1000多名学生一起在学校活动中工作,以建造Rube Goldberg风格的连锁反应机。

“An estimated 14,000 students were reached through the STEM kits and funding from Garver,” says Michael Graves, Garver’s COO.

The firm’s corporate giving program, GarverGives, in 2019 supported more than 320 organizations, contributed more than $324,000 and devoted more than 800 employee community service hours, says Graves.

The firm also takes care of its own with Garver Wellness, a program launched in 2006 and led by an in-house team that is dedicated to improving employee health, reducing long-term health risks and promoting a culture of well-being. The program boasts a 99% participation rate.

“Garver has a long history of investing in our employees. They are the most valuable asset we have,” Graves says.

At the beginning of 2020, Garver launched its five-year strategic plan, which “outlines deliberate actions that benefit our employees, our clients and our company under a variety of market conditions,” Hoskins says.




“The industry may have a slightly larger percentage of its people working remotely going forward, which may help firms conserve cash as office expansions may be reduced or delayed,” he says. “Despite the obvious challenges presented by the COVID-19 situation, addressing obstacles forced us to focus on resiliency and become even more agile as a firm.”

The plan is for the company to continue to focus on growing organically while pursuing projects that are of most importance to its clients, Hoskins says.
