City Grill

AIA Central Idaho
Project Manager

“My current outlook remains positive for Boise and the broader Idaho construction markets through the remainder of 2020, with a few exceptions. Despite the big upset from COVID-19 through our communities, we will enter into a mild recession here in Idaho for about three quarters, then emerge stronger than ever,” Davies says.

The health care and education markets will remain strong, along with some retail work, especially grocery stores, he says. However, Davies expects a continued slowdown in office and most retail sectors, along with housing, despite record-low interest rates.

“Government is also now reeling as leaders anticipate lower tax revenues. Idaho is looking to trim 5% from some budgets, and our firm has had more than one major public works project placed on hold,” he says.

“We have had some hospitality projects put on hold as well, while others are proceeding to take advantage of time and space for remodeling while occupancy is low. Our airport work is continuing full steam ahead,” he adds.