Even though the COVID-19 virus has tossed the U.S. economy a curveball, don’t expect it to throw the latest addition to Denver’s skyline, a 30-story, speculative office building, for a loop.

The so-called Block 162 is a joint venture of developers Patrinely Group LLC, Denver, and USAA Real Estate, San Antonio. When completed in late 2020, the tower will stand alone among the sources of new downtown Class-A office space for attracting legal, financial and technology-oriented tenants. In fact, Block 162 is one of a just a few speculative office high-rises to come to Denver’s central business district since the 1980s.

Much has changed since then. Both Colorado and the Denver area have grown extensively, the latter undergoing a population increase of 20% in the past decade, up to 720,000, according to the Census Bureau. The influx has translated into stronger market fundamentals and keener competition for tenants.

“Block 162 is seeing a lot of interest from firms looking to relocate to Denver from other parts of the U.S.,” says David Haltom, vice president with Patrinely.



开发团队正在与其他project team members to employ 3D Matterport scanners, “allowing viewers to step into an actual core-and-shell floor space and see real views within the actual curtain wall line,” he says.


与Patrinely Group的经常合作者休斯顿(Houston)的校长和设计总监Raffael Scasserra说,这些设施包括更多的休息室,合作和娱乐场所,或者只是一个休息的空间。







- Patrinely Group LLC副总裁David Haltom



“We assisted in working through design, constructibility and budget issues,” says Chad Holajter, project executive with Swinerton. Client and designer “knew exactly what they wanted,” he adds.

“我们从内而外设计了建筑物,” Haltom说。Office floors dispense with interior columns by locating steel beams beneath concrete and steel deck floors in order to connect the 24 perimeter columns, spaced 30 ft on center, to the core, which is composed of shear walls, says David Chlebus, project director with Houston’s Cardno, the Block 162 structural engineer. Additionally, long-span girders extending between the perimeter and the core’s short end further alleviate the need for interior columns, he says.


Lease spans from a typical core wall to the inside face of the enclosure measure about 44 ft—longer than the 40-ft to 42-ft spans typical of older office buildings. The larger spans are more efficient for contemporary office tenants and “pay dividends by adding population to a floor while providing greater flexibility in positioning workstations and corridors,” says Scasserra.


Sustainable Elements


为了适应灵活的地板配置,从封闭式私人办公室到开放式办公室计划,我通过指定专用的外部空气系统(DOAS)增加内部空气通风,其容量比满足典型办公空间的最低ASHRAE 62要求大30%。


– Chad Holajter, Project Executive, Swinerton


At present, project team members expect the tower to top out in late June or early July. “We’re up to level 27 and pouring about a floor per week,” says Holajter. However, construction will extend beyond level 30, with crews stacking unitized glazed units to create a crown—or parapet. It rises 32.7 ft above the roofline. In addition to adding sculpture to the building, the parapet obscures the MEP penthouse and other rooftop elements, Scasserra says.

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, construction is proceeding according to schedule. “Swinerton and its subs haven’t missed a beat,” says Haltom.

“We drafted a site-specific plan that, among other initiatives, limits the number of workers who can ride a man hoist to five, each at 6-foot distance from each other,” Holajter says.
