
  • Zoning: How to separate public and private functions, including the need to define areas for visitors while maintaining health and safety protocols.
  • Access: How to control visitor and delivery ingress-egress points to limit exposure.
  • Circulation: How to identify travel paths to reduce intersection, including encouraging one-way circulation to navigate spaces.
  • 距离和隐私:如何redefine geometry and density to allow for proper distancing. That includes varying the occupancy by using a platoon approach to remobilize our workforce.
  • Hygiene: How to use clean-in and clean-out protocols and touch-free technology, including convenient sanitizing stations where most needed.
  • 物质性:如何使用抗菌铜表面,硬件以及对漂白友好的纺织品和表面来防止污染。


Office suites could adopt a concept from home: the mud room. This allows employees to hang up their coats, put umbrellas and commuting shoes in place and wash their hands before entering. Deliveries may go back to the old mail room concept, with packages placed in a quarantine area, where all materials are discarded, mail is sanitized and left there for pickup.

Other design reconfigurations include conference rooms and collaborative spaces. For the former, we recommend adopting a “campfire” concept, where desks and chairs are placed in a spoke formation for more distance. Individual workspaces have continued to shrink in lieu of collaborative workspaces, but we need to alter floor plans to maintain the positive aspects of collaboration while fostering security and well-being.

Next, develop procedures to create a safe return-to-work plan. Your checklist may include furniture reconfiguration and retrofit, improved wayfinding, hygiene protocols for cleaning to encourage behavioral changes, upgrading HVAC systems to provide sanitized air conditioning and establishing a budget and a timeline.

Touch-free technologies will be game changers for sterilization and placement. The novel coronavirus cannot survive under prolonged UV light, so UV-lighting fixtures should be installed in office entry portals and bathrooms. Copper, which has an anti-microbial capability, is a good choice for doorknobs, handles, railings and touch plates. While superbugs like MRSA and coronaviruses can live up to four or five days on most hard surfaces, they start to die within minutes and are undetectable within hours on copper and copper alloys like brass.

We’re in this for the long haul to protect the health of our employees and our businesses. Our job is to rethink the workplace, renew it with affordable strategies and reopen it in a way that promotes health and productivity.


劳伦·琥珀·普雷斯滕巴赫(Lauren Amber Prestenbach)位于丹佛的劳伦·琥珀·普雷斯滕巴赫(Lauren Amber Prestenbach),NCIDQ是Brown Architecture的校长,是LEED且基于证据的设计认证和认证专业人员。她是国际室内设计协会落基山分会的副总裁兼倡导总监。