the length and dollars at stake in construction disputes vary by region, but the number involving megaprojects has ticked upward recently. For a decade, the character of industry disputes has remained steadfastly consistent, most often erupting from differences over contractual obligations and contract administration.

一年一度的共同线程Arcadis’ Global Construction Disputes Report,“这是不良关系的厄运建设项目比不良的土壤,恶劣的天气,不良的设备或不良设计要多得多。”18luck官网

Bad relationships doom construction projects much more often than bad soil, bad weather, bad equipment, or a bad design, says Arcadis report.

A key to successful resolutions, the report adds, includes “a willingness to compromise, set emotions aside and concentrate on what makes good business sense.”



Survey respondents identified a willingness to compromise as the most important factor in the early resolution of disputes, wrote Sally Davies, managing partner of attorney Mayer Brown International LLP.

Parties may wish to avoid arbitration or litigation in favor of the certainty afforded by a negotiated settlement, added Joachim Knoll, a partner in dispute consultant LALIVE, with or without the help of a mediator or a dispute board.

Negotiated settlements are a mechanism being used with more success on major continental European construction projects. Among them are the CERN Dispute Board, used for construction of the CERN Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, and the Gotthard Tunnel Dispute Board for the Gotthard Base Tunnel in the Swiss Alps.

Connecticut Shifts Specification Types

A key official in the Connecticut Dept. of Transportation, James P. Connery, also cited the failure of contractors or subcontractors to understand or comply with contract obligations.

结果,Connery(Conndot Engineering Bureau的投机部门负责人)写道,该机构一直在从“方法”规格转向“与绩效相关”的规格上,并修改了许多规格,以清楚地将质量控制责任转移到质量控制责任上承包商。

阿卡迪斯(Arcadis)北美合同解决方案负责人罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)说,所有者需要更正式的争议解决过程,这会导致成功的结果“延长解决时间的时间”。