美国司法部已经加入了一个告密者lawsuit against AECOM in federal false claims court. Under the lawsuit, a a project manager charges that the firm submitted more than $100 million in fraudulent claims to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for damage to various client facilities caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and that when the employee informed management, they did nothing in response.

In a document filed May 29 with the federal court in New Orleans, DOJ said it was intervening to support a settlement with one former AECOM client, locally-based Xavier University, for its participation in the alleged claims fraud. The school agreed to pay $12 million to resolve its role in the false claim and to cooperate in the case against AECOM and any other parties and in any related litigation. The lawsuit had been previously sealed.

其他former clients cited in the whistleblower complaint include Dillard University, the Archdiocese of New Orleans and the city's public school system.

DOJ says "claims alleged in the lawsuit, including those resolved by Xavier, are allegations only, and there has been no determination of liability."


The whistleblower lawsuit was filed in 2016 by Robert Romero, an AECOM project specialist. He claims that company employees repeatedly submitted false or misleading information to FEMA for clients by fraudulently increasing the amount of hurricane damage to buildings.

He contends that company management knew by 2011 that at least one employee, Randall Krause, was committing the fraud but did not inform the government or mitigate the over payments. AECOM later fired Krause.

司法部说,罗梅罗(Romero)仍然受AECOM的雇用,根据泽维尔大学(Xavier University)的定居点获得了230万美元的收入。


In some cases, AECOM took advantage of a FEMA policy called the “50% rule” by manipulating repair and replacement estimates so the agency would pay for full replacement when it should have paid only for less expensive repairs, the complaint said.


But Romero's complaint also contends that AECOM benefited from the fraud through contract renewals. “FEMA evaluated contractors based on metrics including total productivity," it says, which enabled AECOM to charge FEMA "for hundreds of additional billable hours.”

According to DOJ, AECOM received more than $300 million between 2005 and 2019 from FEMA as a technical assistance contractor that conducted site evaluations and prepared and reviewed damage and repair estimates used to determine whether applicants were eligible for public assistance funds.

诉讼说,Xavier大学“有意,故意的失明”提出了有关其财产损害程度的虚假和误导性的文件。Specifically, it received funding based on damage to a gymnasium’s concrete floating slab foundation when the building had no such foundation, said the complaint, which also noted that it received funds to replace its electric distribution system that was not damaged by the storm and ran for six years post-Katrina.
