The construction industry’s emphasis now is on safely returning employees and workers to offices and jobsites. In New York City alone, tens of thousands of construction workplaces were正式重新开放6月8日。计划正在迅速发展,并设计了新的协议,其中包括用于净化的紫外线,修改HVAC系统以更好地进行空气过滤和实施无触摸技术。提供安全工作环境的策略最初可能会对所有员工感到奇怪,从而增加费用并最终影响项目成本和时间表。18luck.cub


A different kind of messaging is needed from what was used at the pandemic’s height, when the guidance from OSHA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was evolving and local, state and federal guidance weren’t always in sync. Protocols like proper use of personal protective equipment and social distancing must still be communicated effectively to employees, owners, subcontractors and vendors—all key constituents. But without a robust plan, new workplace communication rollouts could be awkward. Without a good strategy, individuals responsible for making businesses run smoothly may be unable to convince workers to continue disciplined use of protective equipment and careful social distancing. Once that happens, other workers may become worried about their health and well-being. If procedures aren't followed and new technology not used as intended, the effort could be wasted. It may be necessary for leaders to work with industry partners while formulating plans that inspire more buy-in and help everyone involved. There’s a short window of opportunity to get all this right.

How do you create an effective program that engages stakeholders in the near term, and also over the longer term, until a coronavirus vaccine is in place?





DPR Construction制定了一项通信计划,其中包括两张每周给员工(其中许多人曾经并且正在远程工作)的电子邮件,并从3月至5月开始与共同相关的主题和常规商业事务,通常每周都会包装。

承包商管理委员会成员格雷格·霍尔德曼(Greg Haldeman)表示,DPR现在发送每周的电子邮件,公司领导人在星期二几乎会开会,讨论私人信息并将适当的事实传递给当地员工。




Gensler的全球工作场所负责人伊丽莎白·布林克(Elizabeth Brink)表示,这家设计公司向员工寻求有关他们返回办公室期望的投入。该公司采用了它也用于客户的调查通信工具。Gensler与员工和合作伙伴进行的持续沟通(包括电子邮件,团队站点,网络研讨会和SharePoint网站)使该公司能够继续高级运营。


Senior leaders should offer ways for employees to reach out to relay concerns or suggestions. And don’t underestimate the stress people are feeling these days from both work and family-related matters in these difficult times. Employees should be reminded about the company’s Employee Assistance Program and other mental health resources.


Senior leaders should underscore that increased safety, precautions, social distancing, staggered work hours and more are the right thing to do. Separately, those same executives should have early conversations with owners, indicating that safety measures will result in increased project costs and schedules. It is a new way of doing business, not just to fend off trouble in the form of lawsuits or insurance claims, but because placing safety first is the right thing to do.


Terry M. Kuflik, a communications and marketing professional for the construction industry, can be reached at