In a major victory for LGBTQ workers, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued a wide-ranging ruling stating that employers who fire workers because of their sexual orientation or being transgender violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act’s Title VII, which deals with employment discrimination. [View court's opinion这里。]

LGBTQ.advocates, including those in the engineering and construction fields, hailed the 6-3 decision, handed down on June 15. But they also said further progress is needed.



Two federal appeals courts issued rulings allowing plaintiffs' cases to proceed, but a third ruled for the employer.

Writing for the majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch said, "In Title VII, Congress adopted broad language making it illegal for an employer to rely on an employee’s sex when deciding to fire that employee.”



Sam Schwartz-Fenwick是一名领导律师事务所Seyfarth的LGBT Affinity Group的律师,在一份声明中表示,“凭借这一裁决......标题VII的反歧视授权现在保护全国LGBT人员。

Construction, engineering comments

一些倡导者对工程和建筑的影响提出了预见。Guillermo Díaz-Fañas, president of Queer Advocacy & Knowledge Exchange, New York City, said via email that the Supreme Court’s ruling “is certainly a step forward…for the protection of LGBT in the country, especially for those of us working in the construction industry."

Díaz-Fañas也是WSP USA的高级技术委托人,补充说,“平等的斗争远未结束。”

他说,即使发布法院的决定,“LGBTQIA +雇员的负面态度和偏见仍然存在于我们的领域。”他说,“建筑业正在慢慢变化,但肯定。”

Dredeir Roberts, in-house counsel for Core States Group, a Philadelphia-based architecture, engineering and construction firm, says the court’s decision could encourage more open conversation among workers.


美国联邦常规承包商的发言人Brian Turmail表示,在6月15日傍晚发送的电子邮件中,“我们正在通过裁决,但我们的初始意识是承包商将能够遵守,因为他们已经必须符合20世纪60年代的类似反歧视措施。“

具体而言,姜线引用总统行政命令,最初由Lyndon Johnson总统于1965年签署并自此修订。它指出,联邦承包商不能根据其他因素,宗教,性,性取向和性别认同歧视他们的招聘

The Associated Builders and Contractors said in an emailed statement, "Diversity and inclusion is a foundational principle of ABC, and we are reviewing the decision carefully to understand its impact on the ABC contracting community and help stakeholders ensure that all are welcome to build America."


National LGBT Chamber of Commerce Co-Founders Justin Nelson and Chance Mitchell said that LGBT advocates will continue to campaign for federal legislation to codify protections.


Another focus is state legislation. According to advocacy group Human Rights Campaign,22州和哥伦比亚地区有法律,禁止基于性取向和性别认同的就业歧视。

Laurent Drogin, a partner with New York City-based law firm Tarter Krinsky and Drogin, said in a statement that with the Supreme Court’s ruling, “The federal laws will be taking a step forward, but continue to trail far behind state and local laws.”

例如,Drogin Cites纽约州和纽约市人权法规表示,他说提供比联邦法律在某些方面所做的更广泛的补救措施。

Trump's reaction

The court's majority opinion, written by Gorsuch, a nominee of President Trump, surprised some observers.
