Versatile的Craneview Crane传感器系统已经显示出在改善试点项目的施工计划方面的希望,现在正在获得技术领域的广泛认可。18luck官网



世界经济论坛全球创新者社区负责人苏珊·内斯比特(Susan Nesbitt)说:“我们很高兴欢迎我们的第20个技术先驱队列。”“多功能及其先驱者正在全世界开发尖端技术。除了创新外,这些公司还为改善世界状况做出了巨大贡献。”

"Being the first construction technology company to be selected as a Tech Pioneer is a great recognition of what our team is working so hard to deliver, and for our industry, as construction technology is finally becoming mainstream,” says Meirav Oren, co-founder and CEO of Versatile.

“Versatile plans to leverage this recognition to keep creating solutions that offer construction pros seamless visibility into the job site operations, so they can do the things they already excel at, even better." Versatile’s CraneView system is a sensor package that hangs below the hook of a construction crane, and is able to visually identify and track all of the loads picked by the crane. This data is then analyzed and presented to users in regular reports, allowing for insights into where time and effort is being wasted during the lift cycles.

In a recent high-rise project in San Diego,特纳的建设能够剃光整体建设时间表一个月多亏了使用CraneView获得的见解。