在建筑行业中有许多成功的要求。对于考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn Construction)的创始人兼首席执行官迈克·考夫曼(Mike Kaufman)而言,“知道您的数字”在日程安排,安全和项目执行的基本面并列。

A self-described economics wonk, Kaufman explains that construction’s inherent performance and financial risks make trustworthy reporting and forecasting a must. “Only then can you make smart decisions about investments in growth, talent, technology and other essentials of good business,” he says.

也许最好的多好,各章节的证据phy has served the 31-year-old Delray Beach, Fla.-based firm can be found in the latest results of a strategic plan, crafted in 2016, that outlined goals for organic growth and expansion of the firm’s geographic footprint. Bolstered by strong demand for senior living and multifamily facilities in the firm’s home base of South Florida and an emerging presence with new branches across the peninsula in Naples, Fla., and in North Carolina, Kaufman Lynn’s Southeast revenue topped $480.8 million in 2019, a 73% jump from the previous year. The company’s expansion strategy also included a new branch in Austin, Texas.

CFO Doug Simms says close scrutiny of macroeconomic and other trends during the plan’s development helped get the company “uncannily close to the market we projected three years ago.” Balancing the firm’s project mix with public-sector projects has helped as well, Kaufman adds, as did a bit of luck and good timing, particularly when it came to establishing footholds in new markets.

“We saw diversification as a way to provide some protection from the South Florida boom-or-bust cycle,” Kaufman explains. “Going into a new region without existing clients or company leaders is very difficult.”

考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)计划在有希望的西南佛罗里达市场开设办事处,这在2018年获得了推动,当时崭露头角的客户关系与项目主管渴望搬回那不勒斯地区的愿望相吻合。此外,考夫曼(Kaufman)2015年与北卡罗莱纳州本地零售主管丽莎·科恩斯坦(Lisa Kornstein)的婚姻在塔尔高跟鞋州的个人存在之前,在几位现任开发人员开始关注夏洛特的机会之前。

“I would love to say it was all a brilliant strategy,” Kaufman says with a laugh, “but our ability to peek around the corner and apply macroeconomic trends to local markets made expansion to those areas very logical.”


The “know your numbers” philosophy complements Kaufman Lynn’s philosophy of understanding clients’ wants and needs and providing innovation.

Mike Tiufekchiev, vice president of corporate services for JM Family Enterprises Inc., recalls how a Kaufman Lynn suggestion to relocate a proposed new employee training center turned into a full replacement strategy for the aging buildings that made up the automotive and financial services company’s Deerfield Beach, Fla., campus.

“Putting together the ESOP was time-consuming to be sure.... [But] it was the most fulfilling thing I’ve done.”

– Michael Kaufman, CEO, Kaufman Lynn Construction

Tiufekchiev说:“这些建筑物已经过时了,但我们认为有太多的物流和计划障碍,无法通过拆除和建设过程来保持校园的运作。”“考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)与我们合作,计划物流和相平进,并开始过程。”

The design-build program’s nearly complete first phase—which includes two 88,000-sq-ft office buildings, a 29,500-sq-ft, two-story dining facility and a 309,500-sq-ft, six-story parking garage—also provided opportunities for Kaufman Lynn to take JM’s suggestions for environmentally conscious features a few steps further. Innovations include using electrochromic glass as an alternative to combining standard glazing with automated blinds, a stormwater reclamation system and 1.4 megawatts of solar panels atop the buildings.

考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)运营高级副总裁加勒特·南部(Garrett Southern)指出:“因为他们希望办公空间至少为他们服务至少50年,所以我们确定了支持基础电缆和技术系统的变化的僵化,低调的地板选项。”“它具有正常地板的感觉,并在更适应性的布局中保持高度到天花板的距离。”

As with most other businesses, JM unexpectedly finds itself studying how workflows altered by the COVID-19 outbreak may influence long-term facility needs and layouts. While the reassessment has put the next phase of facility construction on hold, Kaufman Lynn has come up with plans to turn a gaping space on the campus into a temporary landscaped park with fountains and tensile fabric-covered walkways.

“It’s a great idea, and shows the kind of things that come out of true partnerships,” Tiufekchiev says.

这些想法得到了埃里克森生活发展高级副总裁Rick Slossen的回应,Erickson Living是马里兰州的一名高级生活开发商,是那不勒斯Siena Lakes Consure Care和退休社区。Slossen说,随着旅行限制削弱了他亲自监督项目的能力,“在与承包商(位于)数百英里外的承包商合作时,您需要非常信任18luck官网。”

Slossen说,早期建立了与考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)的高度信任,称锡耶纳湖(Siena Lakes)的445,000平方英尺的第一阶段“详细思考”。他还指出,这些数字通过了无缝的施工过程。除了授予Kaufman Lynn该项目的7000万美元,402,500平方英尺的第二阶段,再加上夏洛特地区价值5000万美元的项目,Erickson Living还采用了Kaufman Lynn的报告系统。Slossen说:“告诉我们正在发生的事情和正在发生的事情,这是非常详细的,使我们保持积极主动。”

南方补充说,与客户的这种早期互动是考夫曼·林恩(Kaufman Lynn)的DNA的一部分。他说:“允许信息自由流动,使我们对他们更加敏捷。”“这使每个人都取得成功。”

The same can be said for Kaufman Lynn’s safety infrastructure, which boasts a .68 experience modification factor. At the outset of the coronavirus outbreak, the company initially feared cutbacks in jobsite staffing.





After initially discarding an ESOP because of its inherent complexity, Kaufman and Simms reexamined the approach in 2018. Getting input from other general contractors that had been through the process and working with investment bankers helped refine the plan.

“Putting the ESOP together was time-consuming to be sure,” Kaufman says, “but it maintains our culture and gives our associates the opportunity to build wealth as they carry the company forward. It was the most fulfilling thing I’ve done.”

New challenges await Kaufman Lynn and other Southeast contractors with COVID-19’s economic effects still to come into focus. “We have healthy backlogs, although some of that work has been postponed,” Kaufman admits.

Following what he expects will be 18 to 24 months of “massive disruption” in privately backed construction, Kaufman says the longer-term outlook is favorable, with renewed demand for multifamily, affordable housing and senior living. Kaufman Lynn’s established presence in South Florida’s health care, public safety, parks and related sectors will benefit the company as well, he adds.

“With a culture like ours,” Kaufman says, “we can do anything.”