Onstruction拥有种族的悠久历史,通常是可爱的历史,并且是白人封闭的兄弟会的形象。该行业与政府和经济相互交织,属于5月25日在明尼阿波利斯谋杀乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)谋杀的更广泛的民族对话。

The construction workplace has been integrating glacially but at a gradually increasing enthusiasm since the 1960s. Yet it has failed to keep up with the changing American workforce. The closely controlled union locals for years resisted demands that they admit more minority workers even as contractors sought to comply with federal antidiscrimination laws. Faced with a shrinking market share in which open-shop contractors put more minority workers and women on their payrolls, unions, especially in major cities, have in recent years opened their doors to more Black men and women. They need to open the door to apprenticeships for Black workers even wider if union contractors are to hold their remaining market share and provide a vital tier of higher-paid construction employment—one where unions provide a bulwark against discrimination by employers.


Diversity programs are now flourishing at many construction and engineering companies. They have their work cut out for them. Young people who once may have pursued civil engineering and construction-related jobs are drawn to other industries for higher pay, better working conditions and more promising opportunities. One of the biggest turn-offs to construction is the prospect of being the only Black person in the office or at the jobsite—a self-sustaining cycle. It isn’t only about friendships and camaraderie in the lunchroom. While the official big-company policies prohibit discrimination, pay disparities and isolated instances of ugly discrimination still erupt, as shown in Equal Opportunity Employment Commission settlements. One case involved Laquila Group Inc. in New York City, which in 2017 agreed to a $635,000 class settlement after charges of poisonous racial epithets at the jobsites and the firing of a worker who complained.

Related story: Protests Push Race To The Top of Construction Industry Issues

合同奖是另一场斗争。有一个挥之不去的问题,即自1989年美国最高法院在J.A.中的地标,政府建设是否长期用作经济发展和社会正义的工具,已达到其预期目的。Croson诉里士满市相关的总承包商积极upported Croson’s lawsuit to overturn the city’s set-aside program. Ultimately, the court required that race-based remedies should be narrowly tailored and based on evidence of past discrimination. Those programs are now standard and support many deserving firms. But they need a fresh look to determine how they can limit abuse and be more effective.