麦卡锡建筑公司(McCarthy Building Companies,Inc。)被选为在其位于亚特兰大的Roybal校园内建立疾病控制与预防中心的新高遏制实验室。它将是世界上设计和认证的三个设施之一,以促进特定的精选病毒诊断。

麦卡锡(McCarthy)在美国建造了超过25%的Biolevel 4设施,并在美国建立了50%以上此类实验室的总平方英尺

CDC has chosen McCarthy as construction manager as constructor (CMc) of the estimated $350-million project that will support the CDC’s public health mission. That cost estimate was based on CDC's 2018 appropriations request for a 95,000 sg ft building and the project has grown to 160,000 sq ft since, so it may cost considerably more.

多层研究大楼是CDC 2025总体规划的一部分,该计划是在Covid-19-19爆发之前最终确定的。该设施将支持疾病预防控制中心的使命,即帮助社区准备,检测和应对公共卫生危害的后果。该实验室将容纳80位实验室研究人员,并将成为生物安全4级设施,该设施表明生物安全水平最高。

Biological Safety Levels (BSL), from one to four, refer to a series of highly regulated precautions designed to protect personnel, as well as the surrounding environment and community. Biosafety levels are a key influence on the overall design of a facility as well as the type of specialized safety equipment used.

亚特兰大麦卡锡执行副总裁鲍比·坎贝尔(Bobby Campbell)表示,该公司为该项目带来了20年的经验。

“McCarthy has constructed the majority of the BSL-4 laboratories in the U.S., including the completion of the BSL-4 Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory on this campus 15 years ago,” he said. “We are looking forward to bringing our experience full circle back to the CDC to build an efficient, functional, and technologically advanced research laboratory.”




CDC选择了Flad Architects,Page Southerland Page和WSP来计划,程序和设计HCCL。弗拉德(Flad)在生物安全项目方面具有知识和经验,目前正在堪萨斯州曼哈顿(NBAF)与麦卡锡18luck官网(McCarthy)合作,堪萨斯州曼哈顿(NBAF),这是美国唯一的BSL-4大型动物设施。