With contractors hungry for work, the Maine Dept. of Transportation is adding tens of millions in new projects this year as it seizes a favorable pricing window opened by the pandemic and the economic downturn.

The MaineDOT is putting out to bid an additional $33.5 million in new projects, in addition to putting out to market again another $20.5 million in projects whose bids were previously rejected last year as too high.

为了帮助支付这一切,并帮助弥补在汽油税收入下降而迫在眉睫的收入下降 - 州运输官员正在7月14日在州选民面前提议的1.05亿美元债券发行。

Such bond issues are routine, annual occurrences, designed to raise money for projects slated to hit the market in the following year.


The state bond issue, in turn, will be matched with $275 million in federal and other funds.

“我知道一些(州)的点正在缩小,” Maineot专员Bruce Van Note说。“价格更实惠,当缅因州最需要时,我们正在雇用更多的人,而且更安全。”


实际花费可能是低,based on past practice, with $400 million actually spent last year, though even with that caveat, there is likely to be a significant increase.

The ramped-up spending has yielded an array of projects, from a $10,000 signage project to an $85 million bridge, Van Note said.

On the MaineDOT’s work list is a significant amount of repaving work, various bridge repairs and replacements, a $1.75 million intersection reconstruction in Auburn, not to mention several million dollars’ worth of runway and other work at Bangor International Airport.


It comes after state highway officials were forced to pull back on projects last year after the bids came in too high.

Some bids were coming back 30% over budget, with contractors busy building hotels and other projects in Portland.



“DOT work is not necessarily sexy or high margin, but it starts to look a lot better when some of those projects are not around,” Van Note said.




While not as bad as first feared—more than $110 million—the upcoming $105 million bond vote on July 14 should help plug that gap.

But while some other states have put a hold on work, Maine has decided to keep pushing ahead, Van Note said.
