Despite the looming collapse of the public-private partnership behind the problem-plagued Purple Line light rail project, Maryland’s transportation agencies are pressing ahead with a separate P3 initiative to add four tolled Express Lanes to portions of the I-495 Capital Beltway and I-270 outside Washington, D.C.


The Beltway/I-270 announcement comes less than a week before a state-imposed July 23 deadline for the Purple Line’s development joint venture to not implement its planned mid-August departure from the troubled $2-billion rail project across the Maryland suburbs of Washington, D.C..

Last month, Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP), which includes Fluor Corp., Meridiam and Star America as equity partners, claimed that repeated lawsuits, permit issues and other complications that have delayed the project by more than a year were beyond the joint venture’s control, clearing the way for the consortium to terminate its P3 agreement as of Aug. 23.


Maryland counters that PLTP’s withdrawal would be tantamount to default, and that the joint venture remains obligated to either keep the current construction team on the job or find a qualified replacement. Despite the public acrimony, all sides reportedly have spent the last several weeks attempting to resolve the dispute through negotiation.

Construction activity also has continued along the 16.2-mile route, although the design-build team promised to secure all work sites prior to departing the project.



Formal proposals for the Beltway and I-270 expansion projects are to be submitted in early 2021, after which MDOT will select a preferred development team. Design and construction would get underway following a NEPA record of decision.

Jonathan Gifford, director of the Center for Transportation Public-Private Partnership Policy at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., notes project risk differences.


吉福德说:“通行权风险有所不同。紫色线几乎完全位于新的通行权上,越过敏感区域。野外道路虽然要少得多,但虽然不是零。创新设计可能有助于减少右 -此外,需要进一步。此外,开发商的收入风险与国家对紫色线路的财务风险相同。”

他还说HIghway操作和管理风险与Transit O&M风险“非常不同”。“紫色线必须考虑铁路车辆;环道没有。"

The four shortlisted teams for the Beltway and I-270 expansion are:

  • 加速马里兰州的合作伙伴


首席承包商:Halmar International和Itinera


  • Accelerate Maryland Partners

Lead developer/equity: Transurban (USA) Operations and Macquarie Infrastructure Developments



  • Capital Express流动合作伙伴

首席开发商/权益:Cintra Global,Meridiam Capital Express和John Laing Investments Ltd.

首席承包商Ferrovial Agroman US


  • 波托马克移动小组

Lead Project Developer / Equity: ACS Infrastructure Development, Inc.


设计师:Parsons Transportation Group Inc., Jacobs Engineering Group Inc., and HDR Engineering Inc.