

这study concludes that the 8,390-acre Pebble mine site and associated infrastructure, including a pipeline, a 270-MW power plant and an 82-mile road, will have minimal adverse environmental impacts. Development of the mine would destroy about 99 miles of fish habitat and part of 2,200 acres of wetlands that support five species of Pacific salmon, according to the EIS.


“There is more work to be done, but the publication of the Final EIS today is a clear validation that Pebble can be developed in an environmentally sound and socially responsible way,” Ron Thiessen, president and CEO of Northern Dynasty said in a statement. Tom Collier, mine partnership CEO said, also in a statement, that "from the beginning, we dedicated the time, resources and technical work to ensure we had a project that could be done responsibly ... without harm to the Bristol Bay fishery." He called the Corps review “extensive, rigorous and transparent.”


我一直是监管困境rs. The Obama administration in 2014 prevented developers from even moving forward with the Corps regulatory process, but the Trump administration reversed that stance.

Opponents say the Corps EIS contradicts a 2014 review by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that said Pebble Mine would have significant effects on streams, wetlands and fisheries in the Bristol Bay watershed.

布里斯托尔湾商业渔民执行董事凯瑟琳·卡斯卡伦(Katherine Carscallen)说:“布里斯托尔湾的渔民指望EPA根据《清洁水法》的否决权来确保保护布里斯托尔湾。”“我们需要EPA来支持其自己的科学,这表明卵石矿不能在不损害我们国家最大的可持续野生鲑鱼来源的情况下建造。”


“By pushing the Pebble Mine project forward with a process that leaves many questions unanswered, the Trump administration is ignoring the voices of the tribal communities of Bristol Bay and risking irreplaceable habitats, including one of the world’s last remaining wild salmon runs,” said众议院运输和基础设施委员会主席众议员彼得·德法齐奥(D-ore。)在一份声明中

In committee testimony last October, DeFazio said the Pebble proposal would require removal and treatment of 1 billion tons of bulk mining tailings, capture and treatment of about 13,000 gallons per minute of contaminated mine wastewater and construction of five dams, two of which would be 545-ft tall.





国家野生动物联合会主席柯林·奥马拉(Collin O’Mara)表示,军团应该评估尾巴设施失败的后果。“相反,政府应停止该项目,并保护阿拉斯加的鲑鱼和依赖布里斯托尔湾的社区。由于他们不会,我们会在法庭上看到他们。”

Pebble’s design includes a drainage system that allows water or snowmelt to flow into a holding pond, which keeps it from building up inside the tailings facility that could contribute to a spill, the Corps said in the EIS. “Modeling of a catastrophic, very low-probability tailings release was requested by commenters but deemed inappropriate” based on Pebble’s flow-through design of its main tailings storage facility, the Corps said.

“The Army Corps’ absolute lack of regulatory rigor has resulted in a grossly deficient permitting process and woefully inadequate final EIS. The Corps has cut legal corners, relied on incomplete or outmoded science, and failed to require any economic feasibility analysis," said NRDC. "Worse, the Corps has completely ignored the voices of Bristol Bay’s Indigenous peoples and tribes who adamantly oppose the Pebble Mine.”


Alaska Native corporations said they will stop the project by refusing to allow access to the site across their lands.