
全国监管公用事业协会协会对FERC 2018年2月的命令提出质疑,该命令禁止各州禁止其分销和零售系统上的电力存储资源参加联邦市场。美国哥伦比亚特区的上诉法院在7月10日的裁决中说:“我们在这里没有犯规,所以我们否认请愿书。”

The decision sets up energy storage to be an interface for microgrids and newer sources of energy to access competitive power markets, industry observers said.

It allows homes and businesses to contribute “resilience, efficiency, sustainability and affordability” to the grid, Kelly Speakes-Backman, CEO of the Energy Storage Association, said in a statement. “As our electric system becomes more modernized and distributed, we are seeing the regulatory frameworks at both the wholesale and retail levels adjust to that reality.”



Allowing energy-storage units, regardless of their interconnection points in the electric system, ensures that technological advances are fully realized in the marketplace, leading to greater competition and lower wholesale power rates, the court said.



专员理查德•格里克带C’s lone dissenter on the rule change, said that small generators relied on the fixed-price mandate to obtain project financing in some areas of the U.S.

“It is hard for me to understand how the commission can, with a straight face, claim to be encouraging [small-resource] development while at the same time eliminating the conditions necessary to develop [them] in the regions where they are being built,” he said.