

New York issued on July 21 an accelerated solicitation for 2,500 MW of offshore wind, coupled with funding to develop multiple ports, as well as 1,500 MW of onshore wind, solar power and battery storage that includes a process to identify build-ready sites for large-scale renewable development.





The first wind turbines in U.S. federal waters were completed in late June off the coast of Virginia—a two-turbine, 12-MW pilot project that will inform developer-utility Dominion Energy on permitting, design, installation and operations for its proposed record 2,600-MW commercial project, set to begin construction in 2024.

公司首席执行官托马斯·法雷尔(Thomas Farrell)表示:“清洁能源工作有可能作为催化剂在大流行的影响下重新点燃经济。”到2034年,弗吉尼亚州的一项新法律需要5200兆瓦的海上风。


The U.S. Interior Dept. said it will decide whether to approve the farm in December, noting more than 77,000 comments received on a draft supplemental environmental review released in June. That unexpected extra scrutiny has set back the project's planned construction start this year, in requiring its developer to submit added impact details for nearly 22 GW of planned East Coast wind energy project wanted by fishing interests that oppose wind-turbine arrays.

Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, who delayed the Vineyard Wind approval, met with fisheries advocates on July 21 and also will confer with Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on the project. A state energy department spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.