An important federal infrastructure measure has moved another step forward, with the House’s approval of a bill authorizing at least $8.6 billion in federal funds for 38 new Army Corps of Engineers construction projects, including flood and storm protection, river and port navigation and environmental restoration improvements.

ENR estimates the total cost of the projects, including nonfederal shares, is more than $13 billion. All of the federal funds are subject to congressional appropriations, however.

The 2020 Water Resources Development Act, or WRDA, which the House passed on July 29 by voice vote, has strong support from Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leaders and the rank and file from both parties, an unusual break from the fierce partisanship that has taken hold in Congress.



在房子批准其WRDA之后,参议院委员会主席John Barrasso(R-Wyo)在一份声明中表示,“我期待着与立法一起工作,我们可以寄给总统的办公桌并帮助美国人帮助美国人。”

In the immediate future, however, WRDA will take a back seat in the Senate to the intense debate over a new coronavirus-related relief bill introduced July 27.




Another key change is an increase in the funding share that comes from the Treasury’s general fund for river lock-and-dam projects to 65%, from the current 50%. That shift should provide more trust-fund dollars for such projects.

If a new WRDA becomes law this year it would continue a six-year streak of enacting water resources legislation every other year.