
其中的几个引用这是的r—including Aaron Yohnke, vice president and district manager at PCL Construction; Menzer Pehlivan, geotechnical earthquake engineer at Jacobs; and digital technology manager Chitwan Saluja, also at that firm—mentioned their use of Microsoft HoloLens to visit jobsites virtually and hold meetings. Wearable technology that is recording project data is another tech development many of the Top 20 said was changing processes.

“We are entering an era where we no longer need to rely just on the data associated with one project, but also in leveraging historical data associated with all projects that we’ve ever built,” says David Barritt-Flatt, a director of strategy and innovation at Clark Construction. “You can create amazing insights with respect to how to plan the job.”


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2020 新利luckENR前20位低于40:为大流行的潜力提供动力

爱荷华州马斯卡汀的斯坦利顾问公司的土木工程师兼高级项目经理蒂姆·帕奇(Tim Pach)说:“我真的很想看到客户对生产该模型的生产负责。”“在过去几年中,我们肯定在共享信息方面取得了很多进展。”

For contractors, establishing the relationship that will lead to better project collaboration is still tantamount, whether it happens onsite or via Zoom or HoloLens. Onsite communication is still the gold standard.

“承包商与设计合作伙伴之间的早期合作至关重要,” FT Moss Construction高级项目经理Ashley Little说。佛罗里达州劳德代尔(Lauderdale)。“我最成功的项目在现场有设计专18luck官网业人员进行建筑援助,以帮助我们与我们实时解决问题。”

俄克拉荷马城建筑师里斯协会高级助理凯特·豪威尔(Kate Howell)表示,关于可交付成果以及谁拥有3D模型的对话需要继续,因为工作范围越来越多地影响了设计师和承包商。


“We are entering an era when we no longer need to rely just on data associated with one project, but on leveraging historical data associated with all the projects that we’ve ever built.”

– David Barritt-Flatt, Vice President, Client Service, Clark Construction Group

William S. Haas, AECOM’s smart energy market sector director, says one thing that has contributed to speedier construction and project management is a business innovation—a wraparound services contract.

He cites its use in the recent construction of an alternative patient care facility for those with mild to moderate COVID-19 cases at Chicago’s McCormick Place Convention Center.

对于交付该项目的团队(包括AECOM和承包商Walsh Construction)的团队,从设计到制造到安装的能力至关重要。哈斯说,无名英雄是专业承包商,例如Mechanical Inc.,该公司在短短两天内为HVAC系统升级制造了管道。




Whether working in design or construction, this year’s T20U40 group members say that communication is key to delivering projects and understanding teammates and what they need. Whether that is done via Zoom, HoloLens, notes in a construction management platform or on a 3D model is secondary to initial understanding.

“您需要成功吗?这是一个简单的问题,对吗?”Pickard Chilton的合伙人Adrienne Nelson问Adrienne Nelson。“答案可能是技术,但是在当前的气候下,答案也可能是其他的 - 时间和支持。”