美国最高法院在7月31日的裁决中说,使用从军事薪酬和养老金账户转移的资金建设美国 - 墨西哥边境墙,可以继续进行,大法官允许较早的裁决,暂时允许障碍在认为障碍时继续前进,同时考虑到这一裁决。反对派案件的优点。



The wall contractors U.S. Army Corps of Engineers chose in 2019 include BFBC, Bozeman, Mont.; Texas Sterling Construction, Houston; Bristol Construction Services, Anchorage Alaska; Burgos Group, Albuquerque; and a Gibraltar-Cadell joint venture, Montgomery, Ala.

还选择了北卡罗来纳州迪金森的Fisher Sand&Gravel;西南谷建筑商公司,Kiewit的Albuquerque单位;兰迪·金德(Randy Kinder)发掘,密苏里州德克斯特;萨克拉曼多的马丁兄弟建筑。

The list also includes SLS, Galveston, Texas; a joint venture of Posillico Civil and Coastal Environmental Group, Farmingdale, N.Y., and CJW, Santa Ana, Calif.

“每个要考虑这个问题的下级法院都裁定特朗普总统的边界墙是非法的。We’ll be back before the Supreme Court soon to put a stop to Trump’s xenophobic border wall once and for all,” Dror Ladin, an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, said in a statement, adding that the group will seek removal “of every mile of unlawful wall built.”





A court minority dissented, which included Justice Stephen Breyer, who said that the group would have let the district court’s order to stop construction stand until case merits could be decided.

“The court’s decision to let construction continue, may operate in effect, as a final judgment,” said Breyer, who wrote the dissent in the 5-4 decision.


Congress gave the Trump administration $5 billion for wall construction, but it obtained an additional $10 billion by tapping other DOD budgets, including the $6 billion pending before the courts in these two cases.