
The actions, taken by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, also allow utilities more time to permanently close existing unlined impoundments.

EPA said it reviewed engineering and construction data and found that not all utilities would be able to meet the 2020 deadline to stop taking waste in unlined pits and allow them to request extensions.


"今天的行动s changes to the closure regulations for coal-ash storage that enhance protections for public health while giving electric utilities enough time to retrofit or replace unlined impoundment ponds,” EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler said in a statement.


Utilities would have stopped adding toxic coal ash to the ponds more than a year ago if the administration had not stepped in to rescind the 2015 rule, said Lisa Evans, an Earthjustice attorney.


The Obama administration published regulations in 2015 after two major spills from storage ponds. An unlined surface impoundment at a Tennessee Valley Authority coal-fired plant ruptured in 2008 and sent more than 1 billion gallons of coal ash, which had been stored as a slurry, across 300 acres and into a nearby river.


塞拉俱乐部竞选总监玛丽·安·希特(Mary Ann Hitt)表示,回滚延迟了泄漏煤灰池的关闭。


Utilities in the Southeast have stopped sending ash to unlined impoundments and most of the unlined pits are being dug out, Frank Hollaman, an attorney with the Southern Environmental Law Center, told ENR.
