
On Aug. 5, MDOT and the Maryland Transit Administration notified the 171 subcontractors and suppliers hired by developer Purple Line Development Partners (PLTP) that it would exercise “step-in” rights and manage those contracts. Step-in rights give the state the authority to direct the work of contractors and suppliers, resolve claims, and process invoices and applications for payment.

Maryland’s exercise of those rights is subject to those of U.S. Bank N.A., collateral agent for lenders on the the 16-mile project, who hold approximately $1 billion of debt.

PLTP(包括Fluor Corp.,Meridiam和America作为股权合作伙伴)的PLTP誓言8月22日誓言要离开工作,除非可以与州对数百万美元的额外建筑费用达成协议。18luck.cub该财团将超支归咎于多项诉讼,许可争议和其他因素增加了两年以上的时间。



MDOT spokesperson Erin Henson says “certain dates and triggers in the contracts between the parties” required the move toward assuming management of the project in order to protect Maryland’s interests.

“These actions are more signs of timing than they are how the negotiations are progressing,” Henson says.

Henson adds that while Maryland is focused on achieving an equitable agreement to complete the Purple Line as “a true partnership,” the state also must be ready “for any and all scenarios on how we deliver the project.”


该财团的设计建造部门由Fluor,Lane Construction和Traylor Brothers领导,已开始在人口稠密的路线上确保多个紫色线建筑地点,预计其先前宣布的8月22日离开了该项目。