Owners, contractors, subcontractors and architects are largely working together to address cost overruns, schedule delays and other problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic on jobsites, according to a panel of lawyers and related construction leaders during a webinar by the American Bar Association’s Forum on Construction.

The Aug. 6 session was a wrap-up of 11 previous COVID-related网络研讨会the forum began holding on April 7. It will continue the free series on Sept. 15. Panelists from previous webinars revisited topics discussed in the series, including dispute resolution, force majeure, workforce challenges and builders’ risk.

佛罗里达州希尔斯伯勒县助理总法律顾问迈克尔·坎普拉斯(Michael T. Kamprath)说:“我认为自4月7日以来我们了解更多。“事情已经变成了熟悉的模式。”

The new normal, however, is proving to be costly.

HKA Americas总裁Frank Giunta说:“承包商确实受到了额外费用的伤害。”18luck.cub“承包商的效率急剧下降。社会距离产生了影响。每个人都在试图弄清楚如何以经济高效的方式跨终点线进行项目。”18luck官网

Doing so requires cooperation, which has been occurring, says Rhonda Caviedes, senior corporate counsel for Jacobs. So far, she says, “parties have been willing to work together.”

阿德尔伯格·鲁道(Adelburg Rudow)的特雷西·斯特德曼(Tracy Steedman)说,小组成员在5月12日的网络研讨会期间希望这种病毒能够在所有者,承包商,分包商和整个项目团队之间提供更多的合作。“在99%的项目中,实际上发生18luck官网了。每个人都愿意接受损害的一部分,而不是指着手指。”她在8月6日说。

Chris Beirise, co-lead of HKA’s construction practice, said communication, cooperation and teamwork are key. “We are all trying to work together, even though contracts limit some of those recoveries,” he says. He advises clients to “think in terms of what’s best for the project. You always should be meeting together to resolve issues before they become a big giant mess and a fight.”

Still, there are some sticking points, including contractors or subcontractors lumping additional costs into a larger COVID-19 “bucket,” says Kamprath. “But when we go dig and look under the hood, those impacts aren’t really there. I just want to caution: Don’t make those sorts of claims, they can turn into false claims very quickly and they can really erode the trust on the project.”


So far, surety claims haven’t spiked, says Doug Wills, Chubb vice president and surety claims manager, but he added, “we are anticipating more claims.”



Kubes律师事务所的Kristine Kubes兼建设论坛主席说,行业中的每个人都必须愿意适应。
