Maine’s Supreme Court cleared the way for construction to begin on the nearly $1-billion, 145-mile high voltage transmission line that will feed hydroelectric power from Quebec into the New England power grid.




总部位于缅因州的建筑服务公司Cianbro Corp.与Irby Construction,Sargent Electric和Northern Clearing Inc.合资,于4月获得了3亿美元的传输建设合同。

The project also includes upgrading 50 miles of existing transmission lines and the construction of a new converter station and a new substation.

Two-thirds of the new 354-kV project will be built along an existing transmission corridor owned by Central Maine Power, the remaining 53 miles is on forest land and will connect to an existing substation in Lewiston.


Avangrid副首席执行官罗伯特·金普(Robert Kump)表示,该项目“将通过每年从空中清除数百万吨碳来解决气候危机。”


“This document clearly show the company’s pattern of obstruction and disinformation when it comes to providing objective information about the climate impact of its proposed transmission corridor,” says Nick Bennett, staff scientist at the Natural Resources Council of Maine, which obtained the document through a Freedom of Information Act request.
