为了维持现场的社会距离,密歇根州普利茅斯的钢铁馆国家钢铁城市正在使用Triax Technologies的接近痕量可穿戴传感器,该传感器在堪萨斯州19亿美元的堪萨斯城国际机场(KCI)单端重建项目上。

接近轨迹tags are easily clipped to hardhats. “The alert goes off when two of the workers are within 6 ft of one another. They get a beep. If they don’t move, the beep goes faster and then it doesn’t stop,” says Bob Dunn, CEO of National Steel City. “Triax had a relationship with United Rentals, who we’ve had an alliance of 20 plus years with. Within a very short period of time, they got information and the sensors to us and we were able to deploy them at the site.”

NSC crews have used the sensors since April as they installed 2,167 steel members and 172,000 sq ft of metal deck at KCI. The use of the Proximity Trace sensors is part of a site-wide safety protocol that National Steel City implemented based on Centers for Disease Control guidelines that includes sanitizing the workplace, maintaining distance, sanitizing tables during breaks and temperature checks for workers multiple times a day.


对于这一部分,Triax说他们是able to roll out the Proximity Trace social distancing module in a matter of weeks和科网站时NSC began its work, by testing it rapidly with吉尔班等承包商客户随着世界其他地区仍在满足社会疏远在工作地点和工业环境的要求。

"The genesis of this product was that we basically built it, tested it and launched it in four weeks," says Triax Technologies CEO Robert Costantini. "We had a proven product in the field, the Spot-r, and we basically leveraged that technology stack and positioned it differently for proximity trips. Having that system, we had a real sense of how this was going to work. We were also fortunate to be in a pilot in the early stages with some really big customers."

国家钢铁城(National Steel City)在H形新单码头的相对侧的两个最终将成为终端的Concourse A和未来大厅B的三个部分的两个部分上完成了结构钢的架设。迄今为止,该项目的钢结构是最大的工作接近痕迹。整个项目计划在2023年完成。国家钢铁城有50个团队成员从事该项目的工作,并且均领先于钢制勃起时间表。
