Workers have recovered the remains of two construction workers whose bodies remained trapped in the rubble of the Hard Rock Hotel – nearly 10 months after the structure partially collapsed during construction.

何塞·庞塞·阿雷拉(Jose Ponce Arreola)的尸体是在倒塌中丧生的三名男子之一,在下午4点之前,一个城市搜救团队将其从现场撤离。8月17日,新奥尔良市官员证实。8月8日,同一搜救团队恢复了另一名受害者昆尼农温伯利的尸体。


The remains of Anthony Magrette, the third worker killed, was recovered two days after the collapse. Search and rescue teams were unable to reach the others until now because the structure’s instability made the effort too risky.

新奥尔良市长拉托亚·坎特雷尔(Latoya Cantrell)在书面声明中说:“开始结束这一过程是一种可怕的解脱。”

Representatives of project owner and developer 1031 Canal issued a statement saying no one was injured and no property sustained damage during the recovery operation, which has been under way for several weeks.

声明说:“ 1031运河对这两个好人的家庭和亲人表示最深切的同情,他们已经遭受了很长时间的等待康复。”



For months leading up to the start of demolition, city officials and the developer were at odds over what would be the safest way to take down the partially collapsed structure. The developer pushed for a traditional, piece-by-piece demolition, while the city insisted that an implosion would be safer. At one point, city officials thought the building would have to be demolished with both bodies still inside.

Under a deadline set by a Civil District Court judge, the city and the developer reached an agreement on a piece-by-piece demolition, and the city issued a demolition permit in late April.

The demolition process began in May with crews tearing down three buildings that were in the Hard Rock’s footprint to put cranes in place. Next, they removed the remnants of the tower cranes that were brought down in a controlled demolition a few days after the collapse. In July, search and rescue workers began clearing debris so they could get to the two bodies.

既然尸体已被拆除,工人可以开始拆除其余的结构 - 这一过程可以在十月的硬石倒塌一周年左右完成。


Speaking on Aug. 18, Arturo Jauregui, the attorney representing the family of Jose Ponce Arreola, says the recovery will bring some closure for the family, but their ordeal is not over.

“我们感谢他的家人可以休息,” Jauregui说。Arreola将被火化,但Jauregui表示,这个家庭可能不得不再等两个月才能完成验尸官的报告和法医分析,然后才能收到骨灰。
