
城市made the selectioneven as it continues to weigh options for repair or replacement of the 36-year-old bridge,3月23日关闭在发现其支持结构中的加速开裂之后。该市的结构工程顾问WSP和独立技术咨询小组的分析已确定维修可能是可行的,选择范围从支撑到部分或全身建立更换。


By starting the design process now, SDOT said, “we’re ensuring that all of the pieces are in place to quickly pivot if it becomes clear that repairing the bridge is not advisable, and that we’ll not lose valuable time hiring a design team to begin the rebuilding process.”

HNTB的核心团队包括Parametrix和Bohlinger Consulting,另外20多个计划,工程,基础设施资金和项目交付顾问。该团队的初始任务是在进行的SDOT修复/替代成本效益分析上进行微调,以微调更换选项的类型,尺寸和位置,包括地上和隧道替代品。

“The study will determine the functional and physical characteristics of the bridge or tunnel…how it would be constructed, and whether it would be built in the same footprint of the current bridge or along a different path,” SDOT added.

与此同时,Kramer North America开始努力通过用碳纤维增强聚合物包装破裂和脆弱的梁来稳定现有的桥梁。这个秋天,Kramer将安装外部后张紧肌腱在桥梁内部,替代码头18的凸起横向轴承,四个主要码头之一支持桥梁在Duwamish河上方的三个140英尺高的跨度。