在短短两天内从第2类转变为第4类,劳拉飓风在8月27日凌晨1点在路易斯安那州卡梅隆附近登陆,持续的风量为150 mph,这是有史以来在路易斯安那州登陆的最强大风暴根据路易斯安那州州长约翰·贝尔·爱德华兹(John Bel Edwards)的说法。但是,许多人预测的“不利的”风暴潮没有预期的那么高。


一些即时损害包括在洛杉矶西湖(Westlake La。在Calcasieu河上的I-10桥下楔入。


与此同时,公司仍在努力评估损失from Laura's arrival. Contractors ENR reached in eastern Louisiana did not have information to share as of Aug. 28. About 900,000 homes were without power the evening of Aug. 27 and more than 20,000 workers were helping to restore power. Entergy had instituted rolling blackouts in parts of southeast Texas on Aug. 27 to ensure the integrity of its unaffected power transmission line and to help with the power losses sustained during the storm. Those outages were cancelled early Friday morning. The utility reported that Laura caused “significant damage to Entergy’s electrical system across the state ... to transmission infrastructure, utility poles and power lines.”




“我认为我们有点 - 我不想说幸运,因为再次,不,飓风是一件好事 - 但我认为风暴潮仅大约11英尺比预期的20英尺要好,“美国石油研究所的运营,安全和紧急响应经理苏珊娜·莱米克斯(Suzanne Lemieux)在电话中指出。“我认为这场风暴虽然仍然很大,但实际上仍然保留了很多基础设施。”

Lemieux said API is “still waiting and hoping that the infrastructure and the communities in which we're operating in Louisiana and far East Texas has not been significantly impacted by Hurricane Laura.”

The oil and gas industry made “significant” preparations before Laura hit—which began in response to the pending threat of Tropical Storm Marco last week—“evacuating people from offshore facilities, shutting in refineries and taking the steps that are necessary to protect those assets and infrastructure from potential hurricane damage,” Lemieux said.


Edwards noted the presence of tropical storm force winds in the entire state. Several outer bands of the storm reached out as far as Corpus Christi, Texas.


布莱克本说:“我认为几乎整个局长,我们真的躲过了这场风暴的一颗巨大的子弹。”“这是一场非常怪异的风暴,因为它很快就加剧了,如果它没有慢跑回到德克萨斯 - 路易斯安那州边界。如果它进入休斯顿地区,我们完全没有为像这样的大风暴做准备。”



自哈维飓风以来的几年中,Spspeed中心一直在制定多种国防战略,为加尔维斯顿和休斯敦提供风暴潮保护。加尔维斯顿湾公园计划(Galveston Bay Park Plan)的湾内部提议在加尔维斯顿湾(Galveston Bay)建造一系列新的岛屿,该岛屿将兼作风暴潮和休闲公园空间。布莱克本说,该项目将结合船舶渠道扩大,疏and,娱乐和环境增强。