A federal judge in Texas has denied the Sierra Club’s request to stop construction of the $2.3 billion, 429-mile Permian Highway pipeline that would carry natural gas from the Permian Basin shale region in west Texas through the state’s scenic Hill Country to the Gulf of Mexico.

“Unfortunately, granting an injunction at this stage of the pipeline’s completion would not unring the bell,” Austin-based district court Judge Robert Pitman said Aug. 28, noting that in seeking a temporary restraining order, the environmental group failed to establish a definitive threat of future harm.

开发商金德·摩根(Kinder Morgan)发言人说,2019年9月的五个阶段开始了该项目的竞争。皮特曼说,工作完成了72%,七月的挖沟完成了87%。他说:“法院无法补救因金德·摩根(Kinder Morgan)的过去而造成的任何伤害。”

该裁决说,金德·摩根(Kinder Morgan)选择根据其联邦全国许可证12进行进行,以在330个水道上建造该管道,而没有通知美国陆军工程兵团,因为交叉路口并没有触发许可证的任何一般条件。


Sierra Club attorney Joshua Smith said in a statement that construction has already done significant damage to waterways and will do more if completed, “Indeed, the Court itself recognized that the pipeline has caused a ‘great deal’ of harm to the environment,” he said. The environmental group is evaluating its next step.


金德·摩根(Kinder Morgan)说,其钻井承包商立即停止了操作,并在7月25日的三个小无意回报中包含了所有90加仑的钻井液。


休斯敦的特洛伊建筑公司(Troy Construction)是Pumpco Inc.,Giddens,Texas和Houston总部位于休斯敦的MPG管道承包商,也是该项目的主要项目承包商。