来自三个州和哥伦比亚特区的律师以及切萨皮克湾基金会(Chesapeake Bay Foundation)正在挑战美国环境保护局的执行多国家协议,以降低海湾污染水平。


[View text of lawsuithere.]

在一个在线新闻发布会上Sept. 10, the top legal officials for Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia said they, along with the state of Delaware, had filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, challenging what they view as EPA's lax enforcement of the bay plan.

Their main argument is that EPA has failed to “do its job,” in ensuring that all states within the watershed would be able to meet by the 2025 deadline water pollution goals established in 2010, said Karl A. Racine, Washington, D.C.’s attorney general. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF), an environmental group, filed a separate lawsuit with the court, also on Sept, 10.

2010年CBF和EPA之间的和解协议与Chesapeake Bay蓝图一起建立了TMDL,在该蓝图中,整个分水岭和哥伦比亚特区同意在2025年设计和制定计划建立污染限制的计划。

该定居点在整个德尔马瓦地区的废水处理厂引发了大量的养分减少项目,包括华盛顿特区的蓝色平原高级水处理厂和巴尔的摩的18luck官网后河废水处理厂。仅在2017年至2019年之间,哥伦比亚特区花费了约1.13亿美元来履行其根据《湾协议》的承诺。州检察长布莱恩·弗罗什(Brian Frosh)指出,马里兰州也花费了数百万美元,他说:“这必须是一项集体努力。”




In their complaint, the states contend that by failing to require Pennsylvania and New York to develop and implement plans that meet the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, “EPA has breached its nondiscretionary duty to ensure that management plans submitted by the bay state signatories will achieve and maintain the nutrient goals of the Chesapeake Bay agreement.”

各州正在寻求法院命令,称EPA违反了法律,并要求该机构确保宾夕法尼亚州和纽约制定和实施计划,以满足根据Chesapeake Bay协议建立的目标。

An EPA spokesperson said in a statement sent to ENR: "This litigation only serves to set back our efforts, divert partnership resouces and divide a partnership that is making exceptional advancement in restoring the Chesapeake Bay and local waters."


A spokesperson for the New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation said in an emailed statement, "While New York does not comment on pending litigation, EPA monitoring data confirms that if the quality of the water in Chesapeake Bay were as good as the water quality in New York's portion of the Susquehanna River, the Chesapeake would not be impaired for nitrogen, phosphorus or sediment."

The spokesperson added, "This scientifically confirmed fact makes the key point—Chesapeake Bay pollution is not from New York. New York is fulfilling its clean water responsibilities under the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and is a committed partner to implementing its pollution-reducing "Watershed Implementation Plan" under the Chesapeake Bay program."