在三月份的一个星期五晚上,即19日期的大流行中,戴维·特洛里安(David Trolian)看到了美国陆军工程兵团提出的独特要求。第二天下午对RFP的反应。一旦获得授予,团队将需要在现场并在24小时内工作。

Trolian, division president and CEO of Clark Construction Group in Chicago, applied in partnership with Chicago design firm Perkins & Will. They’d use a design-build methodology, led by the contractor. The proposal emphasized the team’s readiness and skill.

By that Sunday, the Clark/Perkins & Will design-build team was awarded the $14.9-million job. On Monday, they were on site trying to transform a 500,000-sq-ft existing building, a closed hospital, into an alternate care facility.




- Clark Construction首席执行官David Trolian

In the wake of the pandemic, a number of alternate care facilities were built for the Federal Emergency Management Agency by the USACE across the country. In Illinois, McCormick Place received the most news coverage, but three other facilities were constructed—MetroSouth, as well as the former Sherman Center Street Campus in Elgin, Ill., and Westlake Hospital in Melrose Park, Ill. These projects are similar to disaster relief work, Trolian said. The work—like the response period—needs to be swift, exact and transparent.

在大都会项目的第一天,珀金斯&Will的项目经理兼合伙人艾米莉·贝特曼(Emily Bateman)在现场看到约100人。她说。贝特曼说,克拉克团队很快就建立了协议和筛选,这使该项目感到安全。人们戴着口罩,作为一个团队合作,并努力建立潜在的挽救生命设施的共同目标。




Perkins & Will immediately began design. The project converted nonpatient rooms into treatment rooms, creating 585 beds for patients, 265 of which could be used as ICU beds. This far surpassed the RFP, Trolian said, which asked for 35 beds total—and they could have added more, he said, if not for the tight schedule.

Bateman said that the design phase took an extraordinary level of cooperation between Clark, Perkins & Will, the Army Corps of Engineers and MEP engineer Salas O’Brien. The team also included specialty contractors Hill Mechanical, Titan Electric, RG Construction and Consolidated Flooring and was in constant communication with medical professionals who answered questions, Trolian said, guiding the team on what medical services could be built to bring the most value to patients.

After the first two phases of the project, which took less than a week, the team moved into a three-week construction period. Bateman said that the entire team—all working long hours, some on call 24 hours, others working 12- to 14-hour shifts—were able to get a good night’s sleep once the intense first two phases were done.

Construction, the last phase, went so smoothly that the team finished the entire project after 22 days, four days early.


“I’d say in my 26-year career, this felt like the most important project,” Trolian said.


“I think those are bonds that will last our careers,” Bateman said. “It’s a once in a lifetime kind of experience and really mind boggling to think back to how much was accomplished in such a short amount of time. I don’t know that we’ll see projects like this again.”

Bateman said that although a lot of the resources from the McCormick Place facility have been shifted to MetroSouth, the facility still has not been used. The health care system in Illinois has yet to be overwhelmed by the pandemic.

“I remember doing a cheer on the last day of that project and saying, ‘It’s amazing that this was able to be accomplished. Here’s hoping it’s never, ever used,’” Bateman said. “We still hope that, but it’s really important that, as a region, we have options in place.”
