Six months after the coronavirus pandemic first shuttered offices across the U.S., contractors and design firms have, for the most part, settled into the “new normal.”


根据人力资源管理人员的说法,实现这种新的运营连续性,生产力和员工安心的平衡并不容易,这是一件容易的事,负责在短时间内制定开放式运营计划,而很少有先例可以提供帮助。Kiewit人力资源副总裁John Shaw回忆说:“我们的一位高管指出,在正常情况下,将我们的大多数办公室工作人员送回家五个月将至少一年来计划。”取而代之的是,随着几天之内实施的州和当地庇护所,“每个人都必须立即决定做什么以及如何做。”

At small and midsized contractors, HR leaders tackled fast-paced operational pivots with fewer resources. “Overnight, they had to become bereavement counselors, experts in infectious diseases and the law, and IT technicians, all on top of their existing responsibilities,” says HR consultant-executive recruiter Juli Smith.

已经熟悉Zoom和Microsoft团队等远程协作技术的公司对这些工具进行了调整,以处理诸如培训,招聘和登机之类的面对面功能。但是,向虚拟工作环境的过渡几乎不是无缝的。纽约州Poughkeepsie的Chazen Cos。必须从头开始迅速制定工作中的政策,同时还要考虑员工的个人情况及其在公司中的角色。

该公司HR副总裁Lauren Gillett说:“仍然给许多员工造成压力的一个明显的挑战是育儿和教学的融合,同时仍关注工作。”

同时,短期大流行修复必须考虑更广泛的影响。纽约Jaros Baum&Bolles人力资源总监Aimee Totaro说:“我们仍然有一项长期业务。”“无论我们在办公室还是遥控器中,我们都必须响应迅速。”

Communicate Early and Often


“What we know, we tell our people,” says Leah Hanson, HR director for IMCO Construction, Ferndale, Wash. With health care benefits among the biggest concerns, “we got with our carrier early on to alleviate fears employees may have had about losing coverage.”

除了对大流行的业务影响进行虚拟市政厅外,许多公司还建立了并继续在其内部网络上维护专门的Covid-19资源页面。San Antonio的Zachry Construction Corp.是创建或适应公司智能手机应用程序以保持员工陷入困境的公司之一。Zachry HR副总裁Jason Westenskow说:“我们的应用程序帮助我们将沟通提升到了一个新的水平,以多种方式取代了我们的Intranet。”“谢天谢地,我们在大流行之前就已经到达了。”

Herb Sargent, president and CEO of Sargent Corp., Stillwater, Maine, says a weekly podcast launched in March helped maintain employee morale as pandemic restrictions persisted through the summer. “We’re keeping everyone better informed on project bids and wins, as well as COVID-19 updates,” Sargent says.

此外,从寻找新的监督和指导手段到维持内部文化的一种衡量标准有助于解决“无形的”方面。“When you don’t see people every day, you take a hit,” says Brett Walsh, HR vice president for Graycor, Oakbrook Terrace, Ill. “We need to be sure the ‘secret sauce’ of our culture and collaboration is still there.”

由于许多公司在面对面的互动中很少(如果有的话)进行大流行时代的员工,模拟入职的社会方面是关键。莫特·麦克唐纳(Mott MacDonald)的北美人才收购负责人山姆·威尔逊(Sam Wilson)鼓励新员工参加咖啡休息或下班后的测验等虚拟活动,“我们确保他们了解成为我们公司的一部分是什么样的。”



“人们在游戏中保持他们的头,”同意细胞膜h. “We didn’t sense a drop in productivity and engagement, but we recognized that this was new for a lot of people. With the line between life and work already blurred, we focused on work-life integration and being flexible about when things get done.”

The experience also has proved educational for firms like Zachry, which implemented employee-assistance programs such as medical leave donation banks and relief funds. “We’d looked at these programs in the past, but the pandemic pushed us to do them,” says Kirt Krueger, who oversees the company’s benefits. The pandemic magnified the need for short-term disability and caregiving benefits. “When a family member tests positive, it has a domino effect,” he says.

While it remains to be seen when and how the pandemic will unfold, HR administrators are already thinking about what adapted practices may become permanent. Smith says work-from-home flexibility ranks at the top of the list. “Things won’t just go back to the way they were,” she says. “To stay competitive, companies have to be flexible about remote working.”





