

争论的再保险和性能quirements for concrete, by far the most widely used construction material in the world, center on whether it’s best for specifications to delineate the composition of the concrete mix to be used or to delineate the performance characteristics and requirements.


Advocates of performance requirements will quickly note that prescriptions don’t necessarily serve the purpose for which they were created: chiefly, the performance of the concrete. Specified “recipes” are created to achieve certain material necessities such as strength per square inch (PSI) or permeability. But prescriptive specifications often outline the procedures and ingredients for what is desired, as opposed to specifying the actual desired result.



The concrete producer laments that if the desired result is not achieved, even if the prescriptive specification was employed, the producer is on the hook for the failure regardless—be it curling or shrinkage or suboptimal PSI. But there’s no space in the prescriptive model for the producer to apply expertise that will ensure delivery of the desired result.

仅仅因为我们是一个缓慢的行业不mean we haven’t moved or changed. The gradual introduction of chemical admixtures to concrete formulations over the past half-century has certainly extended the performance properties of concrete products immensely.


The need for greater speed, efficiency and creativity under increasingly tighter project constraints—such as on dense urban developments or emerging sustainability targets in cutting-edge design—can motivate specifiers to seek efficiencies. If a high-rise structure has to be completed in a matter of months instead of years, you’re less apt to rely on a known model that takes years to deploy.

If you’re aiming to reduce the carbon footprint of your city or your housing development, you’ll be more open to embracing the use of CO2mineralized concrete in your specifications. But the technology for creating that concrete did not even exist 20 years ago, so it can’t be used by following past prescriptions. How we specify materials has to make room for what we are still learning if we hope to enable the future that we want.

拥抱绩效并不意味着放弃集体知识。这仍然需要明确定义的功能要求,质量控制和测试和预认证,以确保满足或超过绩效标准。但是,指定性能也为解决新情况或引入更好的方法论提供了空间。它为可能性打开了大门 - 这就是我们的发展方式。

可以在德克萨斯州奥斯丁的劳伦·克兰特(Lauren Concrete)的中部地区总经理马修·杰特莫尔CarbonCure@SterlingPR.com

If you have an idea for a column, please contact Viewpoint Editor Richard Korman atkormanr@enr.com