密歇根州州长格蕾琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)(D)于9月23日签署了两项执行命令,目的是在2050年到达密歇根州的州建筑物和基础设施碳 - 中立,这一目标希望更多地了解这一目标。

惠特默在一份声明中说:“科学是明显的 - 气候变化直接影响了我们的公共卫生,环境,我们的经济和家庭。”




Damian P. Hill, president of the 300-member strong Associated General Contractors of Michigan said he needs to know more about the initiative.



密歇根基础设施和运输协会政府事务副总裁Lance Binoniemi是一家代表道路和桥梁,下水道和水,公用事业,开挖和专业建筑等学科的建筑贸易协会,他说他还需要了解更多。



“As things develop and information becomes available we’ll make sure that we have our voice heard and contribute to the process,” he said. “In the meantime, we will keep our membership closely informed about what they need to know.”


The order is being lauded by environmental groups such as the Natural Resources Defense Council.

“We now need to take today’s bold action and go even further,” said Samantha Williams, midwest regional director of Clean Energy for the defense council in a statement released Sept. 23. “We must ensure that the commitment to cutting carbon pollution out of Michigan’s economy is accompanied by an equitable and inclusive process that charts the path forward.”

The order predicts that Michigan “will be able to take full advantage of the ongoing global energy transformation—from the jobs it will generate for our skilled workforce, to the protections it will provide for natural resources, to the savings it will bring to communities and utility customers.”

Because both of the initiatives are executive orders and not laws passed by the state legislature, both could be rescinded by a new governor if Whitmer is not reelected at the end of her term in 2022.