

措施执行人气指数current market, where it will be in the next three to six months and over a 12- to 18-month period. A rating above 50 shows a growing market. The measure is based on 303 responses by industry executives to surveys sent between Aug. 14 and Sept. 21 to 6,000 U.S. companies on ENR’s lists of leading general contractors, subcontractors and design firms.

One surprise was the CICI numbers for the overall economy, which gained 13 points from a 32 rating in the second quarter to a 45 rating this quarter. However, as construction is a lagging economic indicator, most respondents believe the industry recovery will be slower.


ENR 2020 3Q Cost Report

CFMA Numbers

Another barometer is the soon-to-be-released results of the latest Confindex survey from the Princeton, N.J.-based Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), which shows that chief financial officers are worried about the near term but believe that the end of 2021 will see a rebound.

每个季度,CFMA都会对一般和民事承包商以及分包商的200 CFO进行有关市场和业务状况的200个CFO。ConfIndex基于四个独立的财务和市场组成部分,每个财务组成部分的评分为1至200。100的评分表示稳定的市场,而更高的评级表示市场增长。

“The Confindex was unchanged from an 87 rating in the previous quarter,” says Stuart Binstock, CFMA’s CEO. The “business conditions” component of the Confindex also was unchanged from the previous quarter at 71, reflecting the concern about the current market. The “financial conditions” component gained only one point from 99 to 100, while “current conditions” dropped from 83 to 79. On the other hand, the “year-ahead outlook” rose from 91 to 99.



目前的市场前景正处于每个人的想法。在本季度的ConfIndex中,有49%的受访者表示,他们“非常担心”或“高度关注”对近期工作的可用性。“这标志着我们调查中首次将劳动力的可用性取代为首席财务官中最大的关注,”巴尔的摩经济顾问SAGE政策集团首席执行官Anirban Basu说。他指出,有40%的受访者表示,工作人员短缺是一个主要问题,低于前几个季度的80%范围。


As for COVID’s direct impact on the markets, ENR asked survey respondents whether they have experienced project delays or cancellations. Only 23.2% of those responding to the survey said they had experienced no project cancellations. Further, 34.1% said they had 5% or more of their jobs canceled, including 14.9% saying at least 10% of their work has been canceled. Also, 92.7% said they had experienced project delays or postponements because of COVID-19 concerns.

