汉普顿道路Connector Partners (HRCP)—a design-build joint venture of Dragados USA, Vinci, Dodin Campenon Bernard and Flatiron Constructors—has the go-ahead to begin the 55-month process of adding twin two-lane tunnels parallel to existing tubes linking Hampton and Norfolk, Va.

HDR和Mott Macdonald是该项目的领先设计师,该项目跨越9.9英里,包括14,000英尺的新海桥,更换了超过两次现有的桥梁结构和Lane添加到I-64的部分。

The Virginia Dept. of Transportation recently issued the notice to proceed, a month after HRCP secured the final state and federal permits necessary for landside and marine construction of the project. The project is being financed with regional sales and fuel tax revenue and an additional $200 million in agency funds.


新的45-FT-DIA隧道将比现有的7,500英尺长的浸泡钢管更深,建于1957年和1976年,以携带其中一个国家最繁忙的港口的主要通道下方的交通。除了提供商业运输的访问外,Hampton Road还也是世界上最大的海军安装的海军驻地诺福克的门户。
